President Hakainde Hichilema has arrived back home from China with alot of expectations from Citizens who are faced with energy crisis.

Zambians are going through the worst energy crisis where power is only supplied for three hours in a day.

“I can’t spend a week in China for luxury, doing nothing?” President Hichilema asked when asked to comment what has been achieved on the energy sector.

President Hichilema said ZESCO signed MoU with one of the biggest Energy companies in China to generate and transmit power. He said the company has mix and not relies on hydro as the case is with ZESCO.

He explained that the drought experienced has made Zambia to start thinking of other sources of energy.

President Hichilema who arrived Saturday afternoon said he has since directed ZESCO to get down to work.

While in opposition Hichilema promised to end powercuts once elected as president he said Edgar Lungu was a failure who was giving excuses on the low water levels. Hichilema said Dubai located in the desert records no single drop of water but has no powercuts.

President Hichilema was in China for Forum for China and Africa Cooperation Heads of State Summit. He visited industrial companies in Energy and Agriculture in two provinces and had a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Zambian Eye,  7th September 2024


  1. Your Excellency we know how hardworking you are and we know that a lot is coming to Zambia out of this trip. You always go out with a lean but very effective team unlike others who used to go with bid teams with dancing troupes. They say suffering gives wisdom and prudent usage of resources while luxury brings laziness and careless usage of resources. Challenges are the ones which build a person, otherwise without challenges, how do you prove your case to people? Sir Winston Churchill made a name because of how he handled the war challenge during his time. His spirit of courage and determination inspired many British people. He was determined to fight the enemies in the air, in the sea and on the ground. Equally in Zambia, many of us Zambians are inspired by your courage and determination to fix the economy of this country in order to better the lives of the people. We know the suffering we are going through but God has allowed the challenges in order to build you into a good leader. He did the same to Joseph, Daniel, David and many others. Imagine if there was no famine in the land, no one could have known or heard about Joseph. If king Nebuchadnezzar had no dream, who could have known Daniel? Without the Philistine war against Israel, probably no one could have known or heard about David. We are a Christian nation and should understand how God works in people. When we look at our challenges in Zambia, first it was Covid, followed by Cholera and now it’s the drought. If a worse drought was in Egypt and Canaan for seven years forcing even the people of God to leave their home country, why should we cry so loud complaining about a drought which is there for one year? Even forgetting about our God, he looks at us as children in whom there is no faith and this very provoking to him. Let’s maintain our trust in God, the rains are already predicted to be good this coming season and this drought challenge will be over soon. Sorry to make my comment long but I just want us to know that challenges don’t just happen by accident, they happen only when God allows them to and it’s always for a purpose. In society, we are a mixture of believers and none believers. The word of God is treasure to the believers but foolishness to those who don’t believe, so there should be a difference the way we talk. I will leave you with these verses, kindly read through and see how God controls our lives: Psalms 105:16 Moreover he called for a famine upon the land: he brake the whole staff of bread. “He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom. Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham. And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.” Psalms 105:17-23. So we are optimistic that the same God who gave wisdom to Joseph is the same God who will give wisdom to our president Hakainde Hichilema. He will increase us and make us stronger than our enemies. May God bless our leaders and may God bless our nation Zambia.

  2. Hakainde during his over 60 trips Globe trotting signed a lot of MOUs on Solar energy which have all come to Zero.
    He signed an MOU with UAE for Generation of 2.4 GW solar energy in January, 2023. To date there’s nothing. He further signed MOU s with a lot of companies, Africa Power, China Cier , for Giga Watts of power. He signed a ‘ myriad ‘ of other MOUs for 3,000MW, 2,500 MW, 500 MW , you name it. It’s all there. What has been actualized so far? Nothing, except for his graphs. Here he is again, talking of more MOUs. Why not actualize what has already been signed? This is what defines a failure. 2024 is almost gone baba, the Election season starts in 2025. You are gone baba! A Total Failure.

    • Let me add the details so that the Praise Thugs can see the Failure we have at the helm…

      $2Billion for 2GW solar power with Abu
      Dhabi Renewable Company Masdar

      2.4 GW with China CiEG.

      1 GW with Sky Power

      2000MW with UK Energy

      500MW ACSG West Land

      2,500MW with Greenco

      And a lot other MOUs..

      Has this failure actualized any MOU on Solar Energy? Zero.

      This is the color of failure.This is what a Failure looks like….2026 he goes!

  3. What an empty tin, this man is.

    Can he name just one MOU that has come to flourish since he started his foreign trips? Just name one. There has been nothing. Nothing will happen after this trip either.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  4. What a simplistic understanding of how MOUs work for some people. You think you sign one today and the following day, it works, no. There are other lots of things at play which these armchair critics even know. It’s like going in a relationship, it doesn’t entail marriage the following day. Anyway we understand some of you people.

  5. I am urging the two gentlemen to put objectivity in front instead of hatred. Even when you tell your relatives and friends that your wife is pregnant, it doesn’t mean that you will have a baby in the next few days, no, you have to wait for good nine months to have a mature baby unless you want a premature one. The other point you should know is that it’s very rare for the government in power to enjoy its work when it comes to economic management. I have told you before and I want to tell you again. Governments rarely enjoy their work because results take long. For example, MMD did very well economically repairing UNIP’s economic ills especially after the debt cancellation through HIPC. Without HIPC initiative, may be may be MMD’s economic story could have been different. So the effects of prudent economic management of MMD were felt during PF era. That’s why those who don’t understand Economics well will tell you that things were better under Lungu than under HH. Equally the effects of PF’s economic mismanagement are being felt now. Again much of the effects of UPND’s prudent economic management will be felt in the era of the next government. Believe you me, had PF stayed in power longer than ten years to see its own economic mismanagement, Zambia could have been worse than what we are seeing in Kenya. We are now seeing most PF leaders to be bad leaders because there was nothing challenging in the economy they inherited from MMD, as a result, they found things very easy, they had money to mismanage and steal if you like. But in UPND government, things are different, there is more economic repairing than mismanagement and stealing. So the minimum you can start seeing either good or bad effects of any government’s economic management is 10 years. I can assure you that if UPND will stay in power for 10 years, which is most likely, that’s the time you will see the full goodness of all what you are disputing now and you will be nodding your heads saying kanshi Bally alibomba. Tamulesumina fye but umunenu muli three years nafika apali sana. For good comparison’s sake, leave him to govern for 10 years also, mukashininkisha especially nga ka drought kapwa. 2026 vote wisely, vote HH, Zambia forward.

  6. I still have a lot of confidence in President Hichilema’s leadership. He means well for our country unlike his predecessor who was only interested in lining his and his cronies’ pockets by raiding the national treasury.

    Of course, even within the UPND ranks, there are opportunists who are staunch supporters of the PF plunder model and would love to lay their sticky fingers on the national treasury. The UPND has to watch out for these wreckers or they will do a lot of damage like their PF role models did.


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