By Edmond Mbanga Miti.

In Zambia, constitutional reform processes are always smeared with suspicion, misunderstandings, and misrepresentation. there’s always this notion that the government has a hidden agenda in Spearheading the much needed constitutional reviews and reforms, as a result from the first constitutional reform process in I think the 70s to now, no commission has successfully managed to institute a complete constitutional reform process.

Opposition parties and civil society organisations in Zambia always become suspicious and acrimonious towards such reform processes, even the UPND opposition did the exact same thing to MMD and PF, the PF in opposition did the same thing to the MMD to the extent that those seen to support the constitutional reform process  within the PF were even labelled “rebels” some were suspended others even expelled.

In government the PF pushed the bill of rights that was shot down by the UPND, robbing the Zambians of the much needed rights recognised by our National Constitution, the PF again pushed Bill 10 which was shot down again by the opposition, in 2021, the PF successful pushed the cybersecurity and crimes act that was signed into law by then President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and even that law was fought by the opposition led by the UPND.

So nothing happening today is really new, there’s serious need for us to put party politics aside and put Zambia first especially in matters such as these of constitutional reforms, we can’t always fight ourselves and hinder progressive agendas all in the name of politics and proving points.

Yes, i understand we are a young democracy and fears are all over as to whether  the agenda is personal or for the good of the zambian people. Today, it’s the PF again!! and other civil society organisations fighting the constitutional reforms process without proper cause, I wonder who will fight them IF and WHEN they form GOVERNMENT AGAIN.

Zambias’ favourite President His Excellency Dr Levy Mwanawasa was also a victim of this resistance to change when he was republican President and spearheaded a constitutional review and reform process and had this to say about the resistance.

President Levy P Mwanawasa on constitutional reforms during a public rally in chingola on the 15th March 2003.

“Sometimes I feel that I am being deliberately misunderstood and drawn into unnecessary debate over my commitment to the constitutional and electoral reforms. I would like to remind Zambians and those who seek to doubt our intentions that the 1990 struggle to multi-party democracy was all about the constitution.

I am fully committed to constitutional and electoral reforms, which are based on the will and desire of our people. I have no personal interests, neither does my government have its own interests, to serve outside those of our people and our nation. I shall, therefore, not do anything or stand in the way of a transparent and people driven process on these reforms.

Any efforts, which my government has made, and any pronouncements my government and I have made are not final. Neither are these efforts meant to lead the debate or frustrate efforts of others. We only seek to facilitate the process as a matter of duty.

In many ways, the  confrontation, conflict, and under-development in our nation can be attributed to the inadequacies in our constitution and our electoral system. I am anxious that we remove this confrontation and conflict, which will enable us to embark on social and economic development. We desire a constitution, which comes from the people and which shall stand the test of time.

Rather than engaging in misunderstandings, misinterpretations of our intentions, which really achieve nothing, but cause delays in the process. I want to appeal to all interested parties, such as the Oasis Forum, NGO’s, the  student and labour representatives, the church and others to assist Government in creating a favourable and friendly environment and vehicle through which we can successfully achieve the objective of creating a sustainable constitution.

A constitution worth the test of time can not be achieved in an environment of suspicion, acrimony, misunderstandings, and misrepresentation. It can only be achieved in a friendly, transparent environment – an environment based on confidence and mutual respect for all participants.

Let us all commit ourselves to this process!”

So the debate, suspicions, and misrepresentation over the cyber security and crimes act does not shock me as it’s simply history repeating itself.

What’s funny is that among the NGOs questioning the process today, one sued government claiming the 2021 act was an infringement on peoples rights and freedoms, government then responded to say they will relook those issues in their amendment, which I believe they have, today they are still fighting government but failing to point at the specific part of the bill that they feel is an infringement on people’s rights.

The law is specific and inorder to cure whatever they think is off with a particular bill, they need to be specific, but to demonise the entire bill without any specific clause or part that you feel will harm the rights and freedoms of the Zambian people is plain ridiculous and mischievous – and breads nothing but unnecessary suspicion and acrimony!!

Let those criticizing the Cybersecurity act, do a surgery on the bill, and help the government understand specific clauses that will do harm to the citizenry.

Now, the Million Dollar question, dear Zambians, is how do we achieve actual constitutional reforms without the unending suspicion and acrimony??



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