Tutwa Ngulube


Zambians are regretting changing government, Tutwa Ngulube has observed.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Ngulube, the former deputy government chief whip and former Kabwe-Central member of parliament, said the UPND are facing the the reality of being in government and they are now backtracking on their campaign promises.

Put to him that the UPND administration might have been compelled to take the US$1.4 billion IMF route because of insurmountable debts and lack of proper debt management mechanisms by the PF, Ngulube argued that it was the the PF that had a debt management programme; adding that had the PF formed government after the August 12 general election, it was going to restructure the debt and improve the country’s economy.

“In fact, it is the Patriot Front government that negotiated for that staff level agreement. The Patriot Front had already negotiated for that…So the UPND should not even take credit for it,” said Ngulube, who is also immediate past Kabwe Central member of parliament. “And I sure the Zambian people are regretting changing government.”

On Friday, while in Parliament, Vice President Mutale Nalumango told the Zambian people to tighten their belts… http://dailyrevelationzambia.com/zambians-regret-changing-govt-says-tutwa/


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