ADDRESS ISSUES AFFECTING THE COUNTRY TOMORROW…don’t just read what will be written for you, Brenda Nyirenda tell HH.

Lundazi Member of Parliament Brenda Nyirenda


…don’t just read what will be written for you, Brenda Nyirenda tell HH.

Lusaka – Thursday, 12 September, 2024 (Smart Eagles)

Lundazi Member of Parliament Brenda Nyirenda has advised President Hakainde Hichilema to address issues that are “really” affecting the nation as he comes to deliver the state of the nation address tomorrow.

Hon Nyirenda said the President should not just read what is written for him.

She highlighted a number of issues that she feels are going wrong in the country, among which is the selective issuance of NRCs.

“The only way you can win an election is by ensuring that every Zambian is benefiting from every policy that is pronounced on the floor of the house. I expect the President, as he comes to address us… to deal with this issue of selective issuing of NRCs,” she said.

“Because there is mobile issuance of NRCs in all these other ruling party constituencies and yet me, I am coming from Lundazi, the officers have even shifted, taken 60 days, paid allowances, and yet you are leaving someone who is 30 kilometers from you and you go and give someone who is 1,000 kilometers from you an NRC.”

She added that an NRC is a right for everyone.

Hon Nyirenda said she expects the President to come and deal with this matter saying that at the end of the day, Zambians are alert, they know what is happening.

“They can tell that what is happening is that they don’t want to issue us with NRCs because the people voted for the opposition. So, this one, has to be dealt with.”

Issues to do with agriculture is also among the pressing matters she raised.

The MP said delayed delivery of farm inputs births corruption.

“The issue of agriculture input. I have just come from Lundazi today. If you haven’t delivered farming inputs this time, is going to be a miracle if again we do not have enough stocks of food? How are they going to take the fertilizer if this time as we are talking they haven’t delivered? There is this FISP and CASP. Even the beneficiaries, they do not even know, people haven’t started depositing K400 distribution, the contribution which they make for them to obtain fertilizer. So, the farmer right now is confused,” she said.

“In any case, the delay of delivering inputs just brings up the issue of corruption because at the end of the day, cadres are going to be the ones who are going to be lining up for our people. if the President comes to address (us)… let him not come with a script that is written for him. Let him come and address the issues which are really affecting the nation today.”


  1. Every Jim and Jack now wants to remind or tell our hardworking President what to say, Amai, are you the one who always tells him what to say when he opens Parliament? Just try to be attentive and get every bit of his speech so that you can also go and tell the people of Lundazi.

  2. Failure mp who has failed to deliver in her constituency despite receiving cdf. The money for development is not being utilised just because its a upnd project. She would rather blame the president for her failures. Please people of Lundazi vote this lazy mp out at the next elections. We don’t want lazy mps trying to gain political mileage over nothing. What have done since you were elected? Probably you have done nothing and trying to hide behind the president,’s impending speech. You are just a failure of an mp. We have the most hard working president now not baja ba pate after pate?

  3. This lady clearly does not deserve to be MP. The other day, she was lying that CDF was taken away back to Central Bank whilst pointing at why projects were not completed but left abandoned in her Constituency. Truth is the choice of Contractors were incompetent.


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