ANDD EXPECTS PRESIDENT HH TO ADDRESS ENERGY CRISIS CHALLENGES…as the Head of State officially opens Parliament today



….as the Head of State officially opens Parliament today

Lusaka… Friday September 13, 2024 (SMART EAGLES)

The Advocates for National Development and Democracy (ANDD) says representatives of the majority of Zambians, will keenly be interested in understanding the Government’s practical solutions to address the ongoing energy crisis in the country.

ANDD Executive Director Samuel Banda says the energy crisis continues to directly impact the domestic economy and shrink economic activities.

Mr Banda says small businesses are closing daily, contributing significantly to the already high levels of unemployment and poverty levels in the country.

“Businesses such as butcheries, salons, welders, barber shops, bars, restaurants, and other energy dependent enterprises are collapsing every day. Mr. President, many Zambians cannot afford to purchase solar power equipment,” he said.

“Therefore, we are eager to learn about the short term and long term measures your Government is implementing to address the energy crisis. Additionally, the rising cost of living is negatively affecting the lives of Zambians. We want to put it on  record that the majority of Zambians voted for you to reduce the cost of living and improve their standards of living. As you address Parliament today, we, as Advocates for National Development and Democracy, urge you to update the nation on the policies your Government is enacting to reduce the cost of living and improve the living standards of Zambians.”

He stated that under the UPND administration, the cost of doing business has continued to rise, negatively impacting small enterprises.

“Many businesses are struggling to cope with the current economic environment, leading to company closures and reduced labor forces. This situation exacerbates the existing high levels of poverty and unemployment,” he added.

“The Zambian people are eager to know what measures, both long term and short term, your Government is implementing to create a sustainable business environment that will support the growth of the private sector, which is crucial for stabilizing and developing the economy.”

He further observed with concern that President Hichilema’s Government has labeled Zambians attempting to benefit from their minerals as illegal miners.

“While we recognize that mining is a cornerstone of our national economic development, we urge your office to expedite the issuance of mining licenses to Zambians to combat illegal mining effectively. Empowering Zambians with mining licenses will help them maximize the benefits from their natural resources,” he concluded.

“Lastly, Mr. President, during the official opening of Parliament, we urge you to focus on presenting sound economic policies that will address the critical economic challenges facing our country, rather than discussing opposition political parties. We implore you to spend adequate time providing policy direction that will address these pressing issues.”



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