DO NOT FEAR REALITY – ITS ALREADY HERE. The case of UPND and their view of things- Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya


DO NOT FEAR REALITY – ITS ALREADY HERE. The case of UPND and their view of things.

By: Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya

Once upon a time I feared that UPND and it’s leadership would have no plan to govern Zambia sensibly. My idea was based on what I considered as hollow debates that their leadership consistently depicted on various matters of national significance regarding their whats, hows and whys. This is no longer an idea any more, we are here now. We need not fear any longer – we need to find solutions as reality is upon us.

To the darkness of the majority parts of our country, we now know that neither the Chembe River Canal into Kafue River nor the Dubai model of powering a nation without rains can work even though the UPND leadership proclaimed these utopian views. These ideas were devoid of reason. There was no careful considerations granted to those views prior to committing them the public. What is our reality now – it’s darkness, it’s loss of business, its loss of jobs, it’s loss of income, it’s livelihoods; and for government it’s loss of tax revenue from lost business and lost jobs.

Should we then fear darkness? There is no point in that. We are already in the dark. What then do need to do? We need to consider drawing lessons from our reality and form our future decisions on a much more correct basis than the baseless Chembe River Canals and Dubai models as then proclaimed.

The next time someone pronounces that he or she has connections and that those connections will help end our sufferings, we should consider asking them further questions in terms of what form those connections take. Otherwise it will take three years and those connections will not avail and the situation will just become worse.

The next time someone promises to end corruption, ask them how? Otherwise the corruption fight will be weaken further by micro management and weakening of insititutional arrangements. In other words the fight against corruption might become more rhetorical than ever. All you might end up with could be hearing about unconnected issues surrounding religion, partisanship, tribal and other irrelevant factors in the fight against corruption. It won’t even be surprising anymore to observe that some government agents would claim corruption by other agents and those alleging would lose their agency to cover those accused to be corrupt.

Let me just say I listened to the president yesterday as he delivered his State Of the Nation Address on the occasion of the official opening of the fourth session of 13th National Assembly. A gentle journalist asked me to comment on what I heard, with an attempt to match her gentleness, I decline to immediately have my say and offered to comment later. I was fortunate to meet a colleague of mine afterwards who I asked for only one word for the SONA; he said it was a SCAM😊.

After reading the 34 paged speech, I am trying my best to be the kindest of them all. But sadly I see an unrestricted wide open gate to the darkest cave of our time. My internal responses to my desperate whats, hows and whys are shuttering.



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