Former Zambian President Sends Chilling Message to Government Workers


Former Zambian President Sends Chilling Message to Government Workers

Wilhelm van der Merwe

Former Zambian President Edgar Lungu led one of the most ruthless and brutal regimes in the country’s history, drawing comparisons to the notorious rule of Haiti’s late President Baby Doc Duvalier. Under Lungu’s administration, a paramilitary force, akin to Duvalier’s Tonton Macoutes, operated outside the regular military and police forces, terrorizing the population.

Lungu’s political thugs, who adopted military ranks with titles such as generals and commanders, were responsible for suppressing political dissent and eliminating any perceived threats to his regime. They engaged in widespread corruption, extortion, smuggling, and blackmail, leaving a legacy that continues to affect Zambian politics and society today.

Recently, Lungu issued an eerie warning to government workers during a rally in the northern region of Zambia. He threatened to visit them in their homes if they failed to do his bidding should he return to power. This statement has reignited memories of the trauma experienced during his presidency.

During Lungu’s time in office, the nation was shaken by a series of mysterious gassing incidents, where hundreds of citizens died after being exposed to an unknown toxic substance in homes, schools, and government offices. This was followed by unexplained fires that destroyed trading centers in townships and business districts.

His thugs also attacked churches and graveyards, assaulting worshippers and mourners alike. His recent threats against government workers, who constitute the majority of Zambia’s labor force, have been taken seriously by many citizens.

Lungu’s family, including his wife, are frequent attendees of court sessions, facing numerous charges related to extortion and the illegal acquisition of properties. Lungu has claimed that his return to politics is motivated by a desire to protect his family.

Many political experts believe this is the reason behind his ominous warning to government workers, many of whom are witnesses in these cases.


    • Stop deflecting. Dispute the arguement made.
      You want to attack the writter instead raising a point to dispute the arguement.
      Clearly you dont know how to debate nor do you have a factual basis to dispute the writters assertion.
      Be man enough to fight fact with fact. Not personal attacks, its a sign that you are petty and vindictive by failing to address the facts placed before you.

  1. This is one of the most accurate descriptions of the previous PF administration I have ever read. This was the time when we should have received and read about the UN report that people are talking about now. The author should send a copy to Geneva so that UN can see it, there after we expect an apology for writing an un befitting report for Zambia.

  2. Please concentrate on correcting the Zambian economy. Van DER mewer or whatever they call you, we can tell you are South African and a friend to Upnd. No matter how much you twist what Edgar Lungu said, there are video clips for us who understand Bemba, because he said it in Bemba! What he said was that “all those civil servants that are operating outside the laws of Zambia, perpetrating abductions, arresting of opposition leaders, unwarranted detentions, perpetrating firing of civil servants etc will be fired after UKA comes to power in 2026! Zambians know what they want and no amount of lies will change their minds! So in today’s world where social media is very dependable and reliable you can’t twist what somebody said and think Zambians will believe that, when we already know the truth! You have lost out already! Zambians are suffering, Zambians are starving, concentrate on reducing the suffering of Zambians not
    increasing lies! The end for Upnd is getting closer and nobody will change that.

  3. Please civil servants are not concerned about what Edgar Lungu said because they are hungry, suffering, tired under Upnd government. They just want somebody who can improve their welfare to be the next president! Because Lungu didn’t say he will fire civil servants, but that all those conniving and working with Upnd to break the laws of the country, will be fired. All good God fearing civil servants will not be fired

    • Ba Manganga, civil servants would have to be extremely foolish not to pay attention to the threats by Mr. Lungu. We saw how some civil servants were humiliated and hounded out if their offices and jobs by PF cadres after they were accussed of being UPND symphasisers.

      “Icikwanka ba cimona ku mampalanya”. Mr. Lungu has voices his intentions. You ignore Mr. Lungu’s rants at your on peril. Civil servants you have been warned.

    • It’s amazing Zambia has people like you Clayford, Buckteeth lungu and especially JMC !. It’s so obvious that this is a crude caricature of issues at hand!! The picture of Lungu, surroundings etc are all paint up jobs. It’s amazing you have failed to see through all this.Unfortunatley,the Benthurst Trust cannot rescue you from these failures. Which modern country runs on amalasha for its computers etc. I’m afraid you are presiding over a failed state. Only Musokotwane has been in government before.The rest are green horns and clueless.This is why Kabimba has come on the scene! Hand over the reigns of governing to him !!!

  4. Kasaka ka ndalama….they say “money talks….”
    Women have sold their souls for less…sad reality is that the thing that drives patronage among civil servant is money. They will dance for any fool when given money.
    All these article and issues that Mwamba leaks. Do you think they do it for free? Yes, they lack integrity or morals….thats a song they’ll sing on another day. For now….kachingi…$$$ Zangena…


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