By Joseph Lungu

Where would we have been today as a country and indeed a people if we didn’t decide to vote for President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND three years ago today?

12th August 2021 is somewhat another “independence day” from some form of “colonialism”, the difference only that this was by our own supposedly fellow citizens.

The Patriotic Front had become too powerful for the liking of the millions of Zambians. All you needed was to be a PF cadre to create your own freedoms, even if that meant breaking the law and trampling on other citizen’s rights.

So where would we be today?

1. Tribalism, regionalism, and cadreism would have been at its peak. You do not need to guess how a regionally unbalanced cabinet and every other senior position would have been. Thanks for the decision of 12th August, 2021, today we have a President who is singing Oneness and unity at every occasion. Every Province has representation in Cabinet and at every level of governance.

2. Prior to 12th August, 2021, graduating from a college or university as a teacher, nurse or any other profession meant the beginning of destitution as there was no assurance of a job unless you were heavily connected to someone powerful in PF. The decision of 12th August, 2021 has seen thousands of our young professionals deployed in the education, health, agriculture and security departments.

3. Prior to 12th August, 2021, dropping out of school, college or university due to financial constraints had become normal. Thanks to the decision of 12th August, Education from Primary to Secondary School is free, bursaries are no longer a preserve of the powerful, meal allowances are back, skills training is financed through CDF, sitting on the floor in class is no longer tolerated with more yet to come.

4. Prior to 12th August, 2021, the political space was strictly for the PF. You had to be powerful to trade in a market or to be free at a bus station. You needed to be careful with the colour of your attire or you would face the wrath of the commanders, especially if red was your preference. State functions and even funerals of dignitaries were strictly for the people in green.

5. Prior to 12th August, 2021, media Houses understood the implications of hosting non PF persons. As for HH, it was a risk for the media House and himself to feature on any program. Escapes through the roof, closing down of any non compliant media House were common practices. Thanks to the decision of 12th August, today even state media has space for the critics of government, closed media houses have been reopened, laws allowing free expression are given space.

I can go on to talk about salary increases, economic diplomacy, the impact of increased CDF and many more outcomes of the 12th August decision but suffice to say, while we have not yet attained the ultimate goal, we can look back with pride as we see a nation crawling out of despair into hope. Amidst the challenges we face, there is reason to believe that we are headed in the right direction.

We forge ahead with renewed hope of a brighter future.

The Author is Special Assistant to the President – Policy Compliance.



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