The Zambia We Want is concerned at utterances by the Republican President, at the official opening of Parliament on 13th September 2024, relating to general elections. He stated that there are lacunae in the Constitution that could lead to there being no general elections in the Country for a period of8 to 9 years. The president did not specify where such lacunae lie. This is alarming and dangerous as it will fuel speculation on matters where there should be no room for uncertainty.

No Zambian should be made to doubt that elections must take place every cycle of five years, or sooner if Parliament is dissolved under Article 81(4) of the Constitution. Further such statements strike at the franchise, or the right to vote, which is an inalienable right as given to all eligible Zambian voters.

No person, particularly the president of the republic, should be allowed to get away with ‘not so much as an insinuation,’ regarding depriving the inalienable right for citizens to a regular and time bound voting schedule.

The Zambia We Want strongly believes in the Rule of Law and the concept of constitutionalism. We accept that the Constitution, as amended in 2016, is not a perfect document. We know that it has some shortcomings which, through a genuine people driven constitutional reform process, can be addressed and lead to a refinement of the Constitution.

However, these shortcomings are not of the nature that can support a notion that general elections can simply not be held when they are intended to be held.

Our reading of the Constitution of Zambia reveals that it firmly and clearly fixes the time that general elections should be held. Article 56 provides that “a general election shall be held every five years after the last general election on the second Thursday of August.”

The term of Parliament is limited to five years after which there must be general elections. Further, the term of office for a President is fixed to five years only, which period runs concurrently with the term of Parliament.

According to the Constitution, the President can do no more than two such five-year terms.
Since the tenure of Parliament and the President is limited to five years, the Constitution demands that general elections must always take place in line with Article 56 mentioned above.

As far as the Zambia We Want is concerned, not to hold general elections as prescribed by the Constitution of Zambia would be an unforgivable violation of our Constitution. We encourage the President of Zambia not to casually suggest that the Constitution can easily be ignored leading to no general elections taking place as prescribed. It is our expectation that the President should live up to his oath to defend and respect the Constitution of Zambia as by law established. To do otherwise is to abrogate it. Those wielding the reins of power are constitutionally


  1. Muhwabi LUNGU, you’re behaving like an illiterate villager. The President didn’t say 2026 general elections will not be held. He said there are lacunae that can lead to not holding the election at the stipulated time and people gave examples of eg a presidential candidate decides to withdraw a few days before elections. It means there would be fresh nominations and a new date for the election. Again if another presidential candidate decides to withdraw a week before the new date, fresh nominations again will be needed and so on and so forth. When you hear a statement listen to the end, not just jumping to conclusions.

  2. Muhabi Lungu is in a group of some people who uses irrational emotions to react to issues before comprehending what has been said. Stop putting words into the mouth of HH which he never issued. You are free to oppose HH on what he actually said not on what you dream he said!!

  3. I didn’t know this man was so dull, the President was speaking from the Zambian Parliament and not from European or Chinese Parliament, at no time did he ever say that the 2026 general elections will be delayed or postponed. Why do come with your fake ideas using the President’s words who didn’t have any of such intentions? That’s hypocrisy, moreover, the Information Minister has already clarified the issue.

  4. Zambian politicans making rethorical statements for notoriety’s sake.
    Muhabi read what is being said by both sides and what HH said. Holding elections is not the issue. Its the manner the constitution will be used to drag issues not by HH but individuals without a real following will use the loopholes in the constitution to undermine the rights of the rest.

  5. If I heard right, the Head of State also gave the August House a Strong Directive that the house should work Day and Night to make sure that the Constitution is put right.
    Maybe as Citizens our job should be to push for the Rectification of tje observed Lacunae before the 2026 Election. And it can be Done.

  6. But who says Elections will not be held in 2026? What language can this people from the same feathers understand? Listen to the speech again and again you will mot hear him say what these people are insinuating.

  7. Why is it now a problem when HH was in opposition he never raised this issue. Now he is in power he was to arrest and have by election so that he can amend the constitution for his 7 years terms. Remember Chiluba was so popular and had followers who were influential but the third term tainted his presidency as well as his legacy. Leave the constitution the way it is because you won’t be in power for too long.

  8. These are people who are supposedly want to lead this country that seem not to understand the statement made by the president. He could have kept quiet about it for his own advantage had he want to use it but chose rather to expose some of the weaknesses in our constitution. This same constitution was signed by one ECL with closed eyes.


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