For Immediate Release


Chingola 05:08:21

George Sichula
NDC Copperbelt Province chairman.

1. He was wrongly adviced to prematurely get rid of the true greens after winning elections in 2016. All sharp and intelligent characters were sidelined to avoid being challenged. This made the PF become weak and porous.

2. Edgar concentrated more on infrustracture development; building schools, roads, clinics and hospitals while neglecting the people. He was very sure that the developments were going to speak for him during elections, but it seems there is no. The people quiet alright do appreciate the efforts but still feel that he has outlived his usefulness. His relationship with the Zambian people is expired like the drugs which were supplied.

3. Edgar has failed the integrity test by failing to fight corruption. How many times did the Zambian people demand answers concerning; mukula deals, expired drugs, 48 miracle houses, fire tenders, over priced ambulances and many others?. Away from that, how many commision of inquiries did Edgar constitute and yet he just used them to buy time for people to forget about an issue. Remember gasing terrors.

4. Edgar is too arrogant to continue as President. He is a fixer and a trickster. He allowed many divisions in the PF to Protect his Presidency. He made sure that no one challenged his seat.

5. He has failed to fix the economy. He lacks leadership skills, lacks humility and his language does not befit his office e.g uubomba mwibala alya mwibala.

We must teach Edgar and the PF a lesson of their lives come 12th August 2021.


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