Sikaile Sikaile


Few months ago, I challenged the entire UPND leadership to stop stressing out their leader Hakainde Hichilema.
Because the more they stressed him out, the more he got exposed to crooks and hyenas who likes taking advantage of him.

For a few days, or so, I saw various UPND leaders especially MPs voicing out to defend their leader a good thing in brutal politics like ours.
Later on it has gone back to the old culture where HH has to labour day and night defending himself. This is totally wrong for the UPND and a very bad signal that can be costing to the party.

In 2015 PF government rigged the elections and UPND did not even know how and where the elections got rigged from.
Some of us we know very well how PF did it whilst UPND did not even bother.

In 2016, in many of my write-ups I warned the UPND to think and plan effectively ahead of 2016 elections and as a concerned citizen who value the future of this nation, I even hinted on key issues the opposition needed to invest in. I doubt if their leader got the message rightly due to so many middle men who don’t even help HH with the right advice on how to deal with PF crooks.

This was information I gathered through the intelligence service within the PF corrupt regime and in 2016 the same issues I was trying to communicate to the UPND on how they could have counter attacked the rigging schemes they all came to pass and since UPND had no plans on how to deal with the situation, PF crooks succeeded again.

This week alone PF leaders and their thugs, have disrupted Hakainde Hichilema’s radio programs successfully and the UPND leadership and general membership is watching aimlessly. I have said it before that donors needs to be checked on their comfortability to fund criminals in Zambia. I have written to the USA, British, Germany and many others to seek answers, but this battle needs every concerned citizen to rise to the occasion.

I have made it very clear in most of my previous statements that PF is advanced in planning wicked things ahead of 2021 polls therefore, if UPND really want to form government, let them sit down and understand the people they are dealing with.

UPND , Underline the words “understanding the people they are dealing with” when UPND understand this fact then there will be no nonsense anymore in this country.

2021 elections are not about economical liberation one can elaborate very well no they are all about how will PF crooks succeeded again? And how ready is the opposition to end this crookedness by protecting votes? Let HH talk about those brilliant ideas when he is in office for now let him plan on how to protect votes.

When you hear thugs like Dora Siliya, Bownman, Mbewe Kebby and many others making pronouncements that they will not handover power to UPND even if they lose don’t think they are joking about it. Take them serious please I beg you ba UPND.

The disruption of two radio station for HH this week means more than how UPND thinks and plans, with the little time remaining, UPND can you do something different please. Because Zambian are solely relaying on you people.

Don’t say we did not warn you this is a timely advise I have given again because it pains me to see Zambia being reduced by PF crooks and those in opposition taking an idle stance.

Mr HH people in your party should not just wait for appointments they did not labour for. They have to work right now. Why are they hiding?

To Hakainde Hichilema, Iam also appealing to you just like seer one did yesterday, to come out openly about criminal activities involving these wicked people in PF. Tell us what you will do to those thieves who have stolen from poor citizens. Tell us what you will do to those killers in PF who have murdered some citizens some who happen to be your members and government critics.

You don’t have to sugar coat your mission to this nation sir.
Bring it out and declare that this is a Zambia you would like to see if we entrust you with the mantle of ruling Zambia.

There are million citizens who want justice in their various situations denied by PF, what is your message to them? Come out clear sir, when you say ba PF tamwakachule what do you mean? Are you telling us you shall not probe these thieves or recycle them to continue sucking up this country again?

Sikaile Sikaile
Good Governance and Human Rights Activist


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