LUSAKA. (Friday, 1, May. 2020)—His Excellency. D Edgar Chagwa Lungu. President of the Republic of Zambia has terminated the appointment of Deputy Auditor General in charge of Corporate Services Division, Mrs Sally Ross.

The President has since appointed Director of Finance at the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, Mrs Clare Mazimba, to replace Mrs Ross.

The President has also terminated the appointment of Controller of Internal Audit at the Ministry of Finance, Mrs Joyce Sundano, and replaced her with Mr Chibwe Mulonda.
The President has wished the new appointees God’s blessings as they serve in their positions and he has thanked those whose appointments has been terminated for the service rendered.

meanwhile,  Cabinet has effected President’s Lungu’s decision to reduce his salary and that of his Cabinet between a range of I5 and 20 percent.

In December. the President directed the Secretary to the Cabinet to slash the salaries of highly paid public officers in Government. The public officers whose salaries have been cut are from Permanent Secretaries up to the President.

The decision by the President was meant to cushion the impact on citizens arising from the increase on fuel prices and electricity tariffs last year in December.

“I have shown the way and those willing to work with me should be ready fo sacrifice.” the President had said.
Issued by:
Isaac Chipampe



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