We are all aware that this PF regime is so broke that it’s failing to manage its debt properly. We are also aware that PF is under massive pressure to remain in power in 2021, for obvious reasons. The two have put the PF regime in a very weak position to negotiate meaningfully with any investor on KCM and Mopani mines. PF should not use our mines to do a debt swap with some creditors. PF is also panicking and trying hard to hoodwink miners by giving away the mines to dubious investors. We want to warn this PF regime that rushing into the sale of the mines will injure the economy further. Don’t sale the mines due to financial and political pressure.

All normal Zambians apart from surrogates, crooks and thieves in PF have difficulties in following the issues surrounding KCM. What we all know is that KCM is under receivership and that Vendetta has sought court recourse on a number of issues. To our knowledge the matter is still in Court. However, because of what PF is known to be, a Minister comes on the Copper belt and makes a public pronouncement that an investor to take over KCM has been found and the mine will be sold very shortly. Surely, is PF running a Government or just some organized confusion? No wonder we have issues with Lap Green on the sale of ZAMTEL.

We have said before that PF has failed to manage the mines on behalf of the Zambian people. Minerals that are supposed be a blessing to the Zambian people are now a curse under PF. One may ask why PF is so comfortable with some investors but too comfortable with investors that treat Zambian workers like slaves on daily basis and yet PF is not bothered in any way?

The whole World saw how the PF brutal machinery harassed a CEO from Mopani; I think this was the turning point for Glencoe to part company with the PF regime. Imagine if it was the other investors that had quarantined miners under inhuman conditions like the case at a Luanshya mine. PF and its surrogates would have organized thugs to harass the investor and demand repossessing the mine. Stop mixing your dirty politics with business.

Percy Chanda

UPND – Chairman for Mines and Freedom Fighter


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