IT’S shocking that the Patriotic Front is denouncing socialism when its constitution commits it to promoting and defending socialist-oriented policies, says Western Province Socialist Party coordinator Preston Chinyama.

Chinyama, who is also Socialist Party parliamentary candidate for Nalolo in next year’s elections, was reacting to a statement issued by Lusaka Province PF secretary Kennedy Kamba.

In the statement, Kamba stated, among other things, that: “in fact, Zambians are not into socialism that Dr Fred M’membe propagates.”

“Zambians are in love with the PF and its action-oriented approach to totally transform Zambia into a well-developed country,” claimed Kamba.

Rebutting Kamba’s claim, Chinyama indicated that the PF’s constitution, in Article 15, commits all its members, Kamba included, to supporting socialism.

Article 15 of the PF constitution speaks to obligations of a member.

It states: “it is the obligation of a member of the party: (a) to be fully committed to the realisation of the aims and goals of the leadership of the party; (b) to be devoted to the party, the State and the working class movement in the country; (c) to practice criticism at party meetings as a way of ensuring that all shortcomings in the party, government and the State are removed in comradely spirit; (d) to support and implement all socialist-oriented decisions and projects proposed or adopted by the party; (e) to cultivate labour habits aimed at raising labour productivity, and the general improvement of skills of workers; (f) to improve ideological knowledge and awareness against detractors, counter revolutionaries and saboteurs; (g) to fight against all manifestations of over-indulgence tendencies, bourgeois tendencies, tribalism, regionalism, corruption, nepotism, racial discrimination and the exploitation of man by man.”

In Article 4, the PF constitution talks about the struggle against exploitation.

It states that: “the party shall wage a relentless struggle against all domestic and international forces of reaction, it shall fight for the eradication of capitalism, with its offshoots; poverty, with its offshoots of hunger, ignorance, disease, crime, corruption and the exploitation of man by man”.

Chinyama, in a statement to The Mast, said that was the constitution PF founder Michael Sata left.

“It doesn’t, however, surprise us that the current corrupt and tyrannical leadership of the Patriotic Front wants to push aside this party constitution of Sata because it is also against corruption,” he said. “It’s shocking that the Patriotic Front is denouncing socialism when its constitution commits it to promoting and defending socialist-oriented policies.”

Further, Article 13 of the PF constitution talks about the quality of leadership.

It states: “(i) in addition to fulfilling the membership requirements as provided in this constitution, a leader must be selfless and prepared to spread the benefits of independence to all citizens without regard to tribe, race, colour, sex, religion, region of origin. (ii) in order to have the above qualities realised, a leader must not: use his official position for personal or private gain or benefit or practice favouritism contrary to the purposes for which he holds the office; or engage in any corrupt practices or receive any secret income, accept bribe or participate in any criminal activities; or (iii) a leader who indulges in any of these prohibited practices shall be deemed to have himself created conditions for his removal from office.”

Chinyama wondered what the current PF leadership believed in.

He said for those in the Socialist Party, there was no choice between being principled and unelectable, and electable and unprincipled.

“We should win because of what we believe in,” Chinyama said. “Zambians will thrive best in a decent community of people with principles, standards, common aims and values.”

He further noted that either Kamba was totally ignorant of what the PF constitution says or he was: “totally consumed by corruption, greed and vanity and has turned his back on the objectives and aims on which the party was founded.”

“How can such unprincipled politicians be trusted and voted for?” asked Chinyama. “They can only keep themselves in power, win elections through the abuse, manipulation of electoral processes and outright tyranny, rigging.”


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