I am Running Very Low On Cash, But I Would Rather Sleep On The Streets, In A Foreign Country, With My Freedom, Than Being In President Hichilema’s Prison- Chilufya Tayali


EEP President Chilufya Tayali WRITES:



Wakng up in a hotel, in a foreign land, can very stressful. I just arrived here and I only paid for three days. The receptionist just called to ask if I am extending my stay, but I have a lot money to pay for a long extension.

Ala, it’s not easy being in a foreign land, I am only surviving by the grace of God. IT’S ONLY GOD THAT HAS SEEN ME INTO THE THIRD MONTH, NOT THE USELESS PROPAGANDA OF BEING PAID BY WHOEVER.

If you are arguing with me, try to leave just your home into the next town, living in a hotel and see if those you support politically will sustain you. Mind you I have to fly, awe sure, I am grateful to God.

My help is not coming from political activists, but just good people who have opened their hearts to me.

Thanks to Chanda, from the diaspora, for sending money to my mother. I really appreciate it. I also appreciate all those that have helped out of their kind and generous hearts.

I know my enemies would want me to suffer, so that I come back to Zambia, and got to Prison (not my home, as in my house), but I would rather be on the streets, in a foreign land, than to give President Hichilema my freedom.

God will see me through, and I will testify. I am not a criminal, I am just a voice of the voiceless, the Public Lawyer, God approves my works and that’s why he is sustaining me, just like the Apostles in the Acts of the Apostles.

People with little knowledge, are reacting like I am the first person to leave my Country due to persecution, but read the Bible, see how many Prophets, including Jesus, had to run away from ruthless leaders, like President Hichilema.

In politics and advocacy, we have plenty of big names, evading compromised security wings, like ours in Zambia. But some of them, ended up being Presidents.

Did you know that Nelson Mandela evaded the apartheid police for 3 months before he was captured on his way from Durban? He was captured with the help of the CIA and later jailed for 27 years. Mandela came from prison, to became the first President of South Africa.

Anyway, I don’t know about my future but I know, God has a plan for me, except it has not yet been revealed, so those who think they are Prophets, they can say whatever they want, my focus is on God.



  1. I am encourage to learn that you are staying at God’s hotel and he/she is charging you

  2. It’s best Tayali stays away. But he is surely going to regret it for the rest of his time.
    The people sponsoring him are doing it in their own interests; they want him to stay away as much as possible!
    One of them is Mundubile. On Saturday last week, he was seen early in the morning coming out of Tayali’s house; the man spent the night there and its common knowledge that he is servicing bana Kiya. And you cant blame her with the husband fighting stupid endless battles away from home.
    Of course she’s a young vibrant lady who needs flesh to flesh interaction and Tayali decides to be staying away for prolonged periods what else can she do.
    By the time he comes back, his wife will be expecting. There’s another PF cadre helping bana Kiya; name withheld but to be disclosed next week Saturday.
    The main point here is that people paying Tayali’s hotel bills are doing it for themselves. They even wish he never comes back home. This is an opportunity for them to spend uninterrupted quality time with bana Kiya. Kulibe va mahala….and everyone is a winner

  3. How does President HH come into this?
    Is Mr. Tayali saying he is being persecuted on political grounds?

    As a matter of correction, the prisons are Zambian prisons, they do not belong to President HH.

  4. Fugitive….come face the law like a man and stop blaming the President for your stupid cowardice….you ignorant rant!!! You are lucky HH is a rooky in politics. If it was Mwanawasa you could have shovelled your own dung my boy…

  5. Chilufya Tayali is fully sponsored by the PF from the money they looted from the state during their time in government.

  6. Mr. Tayali should not involve God in his tomfoolery. His sponsors are paying his hotel bills for now and that is why he even has the time to engage in his usual foolishness.

    He should not think his sponsors will always have the akasaka ka ndalama at his disposal. One day they will forsaken him then he won’t be so proud.

  7. Chilufya Tayali, I can assure you that you are a FOOL. Please don’t go round creating problems for your self and then blame others for the results. Don’t allege HH or mention God for your stupidity. Face the consequences if you are a real man.


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