WATCH LIVE: President Hakainde Hichilema Addresses The Nation At State House



  1. Hope ZESCO restored all supply to enable citizens hear what is being communicated, otherwise someone may be speaking to themselves!
    Communication ya Boma iliko sloppy these days!
    Not everyone is able to afford cost of Data bundle or pay TV!
    When ubuteko fails to take charge of communication, falling and failing is inevitable!

    • Lol…so mu two band Radio olo ma radio pa ma phone siyasebeza? Sometimes as Zambians we are so full of excuses, one has shudder why when given all manner of resources we still find a reason not to utilise the resources around us to make progress. The President did apologise in this speech to the media about the short notice. But to use Zesco, bundles as an excuse….ish

  2. Please address the issue of red-wearing, weapons-carrying, visibly UPND affiliated cadres now running rampant and slowly becoming visibly lawless and powerful. And how you are going to put a halt to that behaviour by your ‘supporters’.

    Anyone who witnessed this on Tuesday 4th June 2024 will attest that they saw the reincarnation of the bad side of so-called cadres: that is, careless driving on the roads while hanging out of car windows and hurling unprintables at other road users, openly wielding machetes and axes (who brings that to a funeral, really?! Well, now we know – UPND cadres that’s who!), ransacking shops and grabbing goods from poor women trying to eke a living in this economy (for those who do not know, ask anyone in Bauleni how things were in their hood once UPND cadres showed up en masse with the sole aim of looting and causing mayhem!)

    Please Mr. Pres, publicly authorise the police and the military wings to assist in stamping down heavily on these cadres. If that is not done, they will grow even stronger and bolder and become a militia.

    We want our country to be a beacon of peace and harmony, not mayhem and lawlessness.

  3. Looks like this Presser was another waste of time that did not address the many Elephants in the Room!
    Fili uko tuleya!
    Niku konka monga ma moo … Kikikiki

  4. Have never seen a government that makes so many mistakes in it’s governance system. Making stiffer laws for so called “tribal remarks” is not the answer. Let Hichilema and his close associates ask themselves why “this tribal atmosphere under Hichilema’s rule”. Basically he’s the cause of all that is happening in the country because of his intolerant and vengeful style leadership. But what he must know is that he will one day be out of leadership and the same “tougher laws” he wants to introduce for tribal remarks will come back to haunt them! It has happened before , MMD government formulated motor vehicle theft as non bailable , and when they went out of power, the same law was used on them. Hichilema and his government should know they have frustrated and irritated the country very much and they are just making it worse by coming up with laws to punish their perceived opponents. People are very annoyed in the country. Anger among people is growing and increasing everyday. Instead of solving the problems Upnd has created in the country it’s making the situation worse! People Upnd will regret for all these their bad actions they are doing to the people of Zambia. So nobody in Hichilema’s cabinet can advise that this law they want to formulate is a very wrong move. People who have talked about tribalism of Hichilema and Upnd are promoting, are not telling lies. They are saying the truth. So much so that the ending of Upnd will be very bad. I just hope parliament will not approve this vengeful law. And Hichilema should not forget that some his people have been reported to police over tribal remarks, and as soon as Upnd is out of power, the same stiffer law will apply to them as well. Hichilema won’t be there to protect Milupi and Batuke Imenda.

    • Do you know that insulting is in the Penal code? If its so. Why?
      The notion that the law is being “stiffer” is misguided and misconceived. Laws are there for a reason. We depend on the guided wisdom of our legislatures to create and amend these laws.
      If there those who choose to fail to enforce the law, the fail to do their job. They are derelic. They took an oath to sit in those offices and promised but us and God to serve and uphold the law. So Ba Manganga lets understand the what is and what should be, without forming opinions without substance. Laws are laws. They are there for a reason. They are not formed “willy nelly”.

  5. Zambians were looking for time frame when
    Things will get load shedding , fluctuating dollar rate,high fuel prices etc.As
    We you are saying everything is moving in the
    Right direction let Zambians see the benefits.

    • Some one recently said to me that we have a government that has a long view of problem. And we follow and understand what has been articulated.
      While we see the results and measures of the short term, we are so accustomed to being spoon fed that we want this ; as well to be explained.
      we also have papers(or the so called education) and people around us, we drink with and work with that fail to explain this. Sometimes the lack of common sense is shocking.

  6. The Mingalatoon is an open book , readable from miles away. This Tribal Paranoia he wants to be main Stream is just a ruse…A self serving and Self saving ruse he wants to hang on to hide his massive failures in governance..
    He has used Tribe before, to whip up his party’s regional passions , and now wants to exterpolate his obsession with Tribe to the whole country to present a false victim narrative. Zambia is not in a tribal war , and never are we going to be in one. We have always lived in peace and harmony with each other.. Don’t Force things on us which we are not.
    We have lived under different governments, and never have we seen any one detained, imprisoned for the so called Tribal Hate speech. WHY NOW?? We are not fools and can see through these schemes.
    The stiffer laws the Mingalatoon is contemplating on Tribal remarks lack morality, and are based on false pretenses, meant to parade a false narrative, to perpetuate his hold on labelling any justified dissenting view as Hate Speech..To scandalise his Political opponents as Tribalists who should be in Jail..The Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots are currently having a field day dragging everyone to the police for the so called hate speech.. What will happen when stiffer laws are enacted??
    Like his Minister of Information, the self confessed instigator and promoter of Tribal Hate Speech said , and I quote ” Kambwili was one of us..We used him to spread Hate Speech against the Tongas, so that Zambians can hate the PF”
    The Trick won’t work again…The Tribal Hate Speech you want to be main Stream won’t be accepted by Zambians. The country is faced with a lot of challenges… Attend to them..
    And when you are not re-elected in 2026, it won’t be because of tribe…It will be because of your Failures which are daily being documented.


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