… and I don’t believe he is using me, we are doing something of higher value together.


CITIZENS First President Harry Kalaba says he is not using former Republican President Edgar Lungu to obtain more numbers to himself.

Speaking during a live interview on Diamond TV yesterday, Mr. Kalaba said he does not also believe that the former head of State is using him to return back into power.

He said the two are doing something that is of higher value and for the benefit of Zambians.

” I am not using former President Edgar Lungu for numbers and I don’t believe he is also using me, we are doing something of higher value together, we are doing it for Zambians. If President Lungu has influence to bring people on board so that we push our agend as the United Kwacha Alliance, why not work with him, ” Mr. Kalaba said.

And Mr. Kalaba said the Patriotic Front internal wrangles needs to he sorted out soon so that the former ruling party is put to order.

He said a divided PF might not give the intended results that are needed in the 2026 general elections.

” What is going on in PF are internal matters, we have our own matters as Citizens First as well and UKA remains an independent entity, so you can’t say we are dealing with the part of PF that is illegitimate, what we need is PF to be put to order because a strong PF will bring all the 1.8 million people that voted for them in 2021 on board and UKA will have the influence that is needed,” Mr. Kalaba said.

” … a divided PF might not give the desired results that we need, even if their house is put to order, I am confident that they understand the times that we are in, they understand the value of UKA and President Lungu himself has high regard for UKA,therefore, I am convinced that nothing changes and I want PF to be well in their endeavors and the earlier the people that have scattered converge together, the better,” the CF leader said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kalaba adds that the Citizens First is working very hard to bring value to UKA.

” It will not amount to anything if I just bring myself without people to UKA, we need to bring people to UKA so that value addition is realised,” Mr. Kalaba said.



    1. UPND cannot win any election with a united PF in UKA. The next two years will be spent on how to abolish or outlaw a credible opposition. National development is not on the cards. Brace yourselves for more suffering!!

      1. Ba Observer, PF is splitting into a thousand pieces and you are talking about a united PF?

        It is in self destruct mode and doesnot need any external influence to implode. Just as well Mr. Lungu is using UKA as a vehicle to stage a comeback. Mr. Kalaba on his own is dead meat and he knows that, hence his hiding behind Mr. Lungu.

  1. Abena Observer, you powers of observation are clear not working. Go and borrow Nakacinda’s binoculars, maybe you will understand why there was weeping and gnashing of teeth over the self inflicted loss of 9 MPs.

    Nobody is going to abolish or bother about expired politicians and criminals going under the unregistered entity called UKWA. You gong’ad yourselves from the word go, just take responsibility for your actions. HH and UPND are, to your shame, doing the things you monumentally failed to do. They are even clearing the kalobas and unpaid bills you left. So please, nigga, spare us the drama and needless speculation.

  2. That is the to go but don’t bring confusion by dividing Zambia into your so called ‘Zambezi region, kumaba, and Luapula Northern kola’ , all these are coming from your team. UKA is full of tribalism.
    I look to dull people like the Sakwiba Sikota and Iboila when they are aligned to Zambezi Region ooh maybe they are the one behind Baroseland issues.
    Ba UKA mwachilamo. You have no message for Zambia and you have lost track.
    Stop your nonsensical issues. We are one Zambia and not divided Zambia

  3. Check this out; UKA could also stand for Umodzi(United) Kum’mawa (Kwacha, sunrise in the east) Alliance. Zambians must think first rather than blindly supporting or joining organisations formed by known tribalists and disciples of regionalism. Some people in UKA are being taken for a ride and are foolishly enjoying it.

  4. Ok just a simple question. Minus the PF mps , councilors and cadres how many members do you have kalaba? Not even 100 which are required to file nominations for the position of president.

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