UPND MEMBER SPEAKS OUT…let’s not ignore voices and aspirations ofthose who entrusted us with their votes


…let’s not ignore voices and aspirations of
those who entrusted us with their votes

By Bright Tembo( The Mast)

KABWE UPND youth activist Don Mwenda has urged President Hakainde Hichilema not to forget the struggles, sacrifices, and unwavering dedication of those who worked tirelessly “to bring the party to power”.

Mwenda said true leadership is not about personal aggrandisement but about serving the people.

“As leaders, it’s easy to get caught up in the trappings of power and forget the very people who helped you achieve it. But it’s the grassroots supporters, the foot soldiers, and the everyday citizens who are the true backbone of any political party. Let us not forget the struggles, the sacrifices, and the unwavering dedication of those who worked tirelessly to bring us to power. Let us not ignore the voices, the concerns, and the aspirations of those who entrusted us with their votes,” he said in an interview. “As we bask in the glory of our achievements, let us remember that true leadership is not about personal aggrandisement but about serving the people who matter most. Let us rediscover our connection with the grassroots, listen to their stories, and empower their voices.”

Mwenda added that he cannot keep quiet while the plight of UPND members who were on the ground has not been looked after three years into government.

“To the leadership of UPND, I remain a loyal and dedicated member, but I cannot keep silent on the plight of our grassroots and foot soldiers who feel forgotten and neglected after our victory. It pains me to see civil servants who bravely supported us when it was unpopular still marginalised and overlooked for promotions while their former persecutors, known PF sympathisers, remain in positions of power. I urge you to address this injustice and recognise the dedication of our people. Let us not forget those who stood by us in the darkest hours,” Mwenda said. “Their neglect may have far-reaching consequences, even affecting President Hakainde Hichilema’s vote in 2026. Let us unite and work together to build a government that truly serves all from the grassroots to the top. My loyalty remains unwavering, but I hope my voice is heard.”

He reaffirmed his commitment and loyalty to the UPND.

“I want to assure you that despite my concerns I remain a loyal and dedicated member of this party. I believe in our shared vision and values, and I will continue to work tirelessly to support our collective goals. My desire is to see our party thrive not just in power but in its commitment to the people we serve. Let us stay true to our roots and work together to build a brighter future for all,” said Mwenda.


  1. I agree with you my bro man coz we can’t go back where the used to control even a stone been killed like chicken NO

  2. At NISIR the PF management is busy firing UPND sympathisers . We have reported to the authorities, they seem aloof . Hope you they will listen to you.

  3. This Mwenda is waisting time to talk about Upnd which is already dead. Upnd the party brought problems to itself when it imported a leader in the name of Hakainde Hichilema, after the death of Anderson Mazoka, all in the name of “only a Tonga can lead Upnd”! If one of the vice presidents had taken over from Mazoka, or may be one of the senior party members already in the party, Upnd would have been a good and smart part up to now! Importation of Hichilema as president, just made him untouchable, up to now he’s untouchable! And unfortunately, he has taken that to the presidency of the republic of Zambia, untouchable, the Bembas say “munshebwa” or “munshumfwa”! Now over the decades that Hichilema has been at the helm of Upnd, final results have been seen, he has killed the party because he lacks political and leadership experience! Top on his agenda is self centredness and selfishness! One cannot be a good leader when he has such characteristic. So bo Mwenda, just accept Upnd is finished. You will see it all when you are out of power in 2026. Your party will die very easily because it’s base is very weak. Because it’s a tribal party. Because it has failed to establish itself in other regions apart from Southern province! And massive tribalism has killed Upnd.


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