It is very sad that Mr Felix Tshisekedi, the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), can no longer hide how he has extended his corruption and other abuses in the Congo-DR to the whole region.

In a recent meeting with Congo-DR Catholic Bishops, the visibly annoyed Mr Tshisekedi, divulged to the Catholic Bishops that no matter what they do in opposition to his corrupt, repressive and scandalous regime, he was in total control of the region. He claimed that he had paid millions of dollars to the region’s leaders, except Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa who has refused to take his money, and that in Zambia, a sum of US$ 20 million has been taken from Mr Tshisekedi. He also bragged to the Catholic Bishops that because of these huge pay-outs, none of his critics, political opponents and their supporters, including former Congo-DR president Joseph Kabila, who is currently leaving outside, will be accommodated in any of these countries whose leaders he has captured, and that all critics and political opponents fleeing will be apprehended and sent back to Congo-DR.

We are worried about these revelations. We are worried that if nothing is done, the bells tolling on the people of the Congo-DR will tomorrow toll on us in this region, especially us in Zambia, whose proximity to the Congo-DR is much more and whose leadership seem to have an insatiable appetite for dollars, and are also in a hurry to become big millionaires or if possible, billionaires. If a leader of a country can receive a sum of US$ 20 million of unearned money as a personal gift from a leader of another country whose people are very poor and the country is in turmoil, and ingulfed in an intractable civil war, what does that mean?

We had Mobutu Seseseko, one of the most corrupt and senselessly tyrannical African leaders in history, flashing around millions of dollars he had stolen from the people of Zaire, as the Congo-DR was called then, but none of our leaders in the region took a cent from him. Tanzania’s Mwalimu Julius Nyerere took nothing. Zambia’s Kenneth Kaunda took nothing. Angola’s Augustino Neto took nothing. Namibia’s Sam Nujoma took nothing. Botswana’s Ketumire Masire took nothing. Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe took nothing. Mozambique’s Samora Machel took nothing. And even South Africa’s Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki took nothing.

But today, our leaders are stuffing their bank accounts with millions stolen from the poor Congolese people. This is what happens when principles are lost. This is what happens when values are lost. This is what happens when greedy reigns supreme. The likes of Tshisekedi and those he is bribing are not leaders. They are something else but not leaders. But as they say, it is just a matter of time before the chickens come home to roost. Those involved in this evil scheme shall pay the price and regret their greedy actions someday soon.

We demand that the Zambian authorities come clean on Mr Tshisekedi’s huge pay-out claims.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Let’s try to avoid bringing in other countries into our politics to create division for political gain. Self introspection is a noble character in any human being regardless of how smart we think we are.this applies at every level, in power, out of power, seeking power.
    When you are not personal, you make a lot of sense, our issues and failures are both personal and about the structures, even at a personal level it’s not HH all the time, he has failed in areas but he has made a he’ll of a difference too.

  2. This article makes suggestions but states nothing conclusive.
    When was the US$20 million taken? How was it paid? Where is it sitting right now?
    Mmembe like Mwamba use statements like this to disparage. Give us the facts so like Dr Kaaba we can make conclusion. Generalisations and assertions from Priests that are really politicians dressed up as preachers, wanting to make us believe they are fight for the cause of the poor yet selling the poor by placing them before tge barrel of gun while they flee. The same Priests were being rebuked by one of their own last week; when he suggested Priests were lending/giving money.
    How does a Priest give/lend offering? Or are they lending or giving monies they recieve from the same politicians Mmembe is now condenming? I doubt if a Priest can afford to lend/give away his meger stipen?
    Ba Dig Deeper Mmembe explain to us in detail the facts of the US20million, otherwise we will assume this is just you ranting again for Political mileage

  3. This man is a busybody who is so unwise that he loves accusing brethren. He sees a demon in anyone who hold a different opinion from his socialism.
    It is shameful to have his as a father and leader. He is too a bigot to imitate.
    He behaves more of a journalist that a political leader. No wonder he is an enemy of Winter Kabimba.
    He can’t disagree with others in civility and nobility. He thinks that he is a clean man

  4. It is total rubbish and useless claims coming out a mouth of a desperate foolish leader who has nothing to talk about. Fred M’membe has run out ideas and resorted to his usual lies and hallucinations aimed at causing alarms on unsubstantiated matters.

    This Fred M’membe is evil and wicked person who thinks that he is smart yet he is not but a stupid and foolish man with little senses befitting a national leader. His mouth and tongue should be tamed. People like Fred M’membe and other are fond of abusing the freedom of speech afforded to them by the new dawn government through the able leadership of president Hakainde Hichilema.

    Please Fred M’membe stop his nonsensical utterances and propaganda.

  5. I now understand fully why people say he is the one who started tribalism in Zambia. Its sad we have such a person as a leader of a political party. This is slowly sowing a bad seed in Congolese to have war on Zambians.

  6. The Zambezi bloggers above are just too dull and stupid.

    They just can not accept that their small god is a conman. Well, he is a big conman.

    We should have listened to our beloved KK, rest in peace.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  7. A very interesting development…
    Something is definitely happening between Hakainde and Tshisekedi …and it doesn’t look to be holy.
    I remember that time when Hakainde removed police check points on all major roads in Zambia for a month…What really happened on our roads during those 30 days? Rumors continue flying around over those 30 days of ‘amayendele’ on our roads…and the 2 musketeers feature in them prominently! And now this $20million !
    Can Africa confidential dig deeper and find the pockets in which this huge sum ended up…
    And yes , some one has opened some Zambian presence on St Vincent’s Islands, Canary islands…and the other stolen loot havens on the Pacific! Am sure the $20 Million should be in one of these havens…it will be washed clean, enter a matrix, and become part of the undeclared wealth of the Mingalatoon…
    How sad about the tribal zealots…who can’t see anything beyond tribe. Wallowing in poverty, opiated with tribe, supporting nonsense, while their god is getting ‘rotteningly’ rich!


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