According to ZNBC’s report, this is Stanley Livondo Chairman of the company (DLS group) that was registered in February last year.

According to the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) his company opened a local bank account in April and was awarded a contract worth US$21 million (k532,802,340.00) to supply equipment by a government institution.

In August the Company received advance payment of US$5.6 million (k142, 080,624.00).

The report suggested that a check on contract status in December 2023 revealed that the company had not delivered anything despite receiving partial payment.

But ZNBC has reported that the company fulfilled it’s contractual obligation.

Previously President Hakainde Hichilema has accused the Patriotic Front of supplying air.


  1. Let this matter be conclusively investigated so that the culprits are brought to book.The officers involved should be punished harshly so that others can get a leaf and deter others from doing so.The UPND officials should not allow it’s members be champions of corrupt activities which the party and republican president is always against.If they continue playing with this trend it will that the president is just playing to the gallery.

  2. Africans are very funny people; they enjoy singing the corruption song year in and year out. They have been singing the song for decades now. This is due to the fact that they are very good at borrowing money from China but are reluctant to borrow ways of ending corruption from that country. The reason is simple; Africans shamelessly thrive on corruption.

  3. What is the main issue here. May be that is the point to start with. If for instance the issue is the company was registered in February 2023 and is not supposed to get a contract of that magnitude, then the other issue could be what was the requirements in the tender document, ( request for quotation/ or invitation to treat ). Was it like they were looking for a company which has been in existence for more than three to ten years ( with more than three years of experience the supply and delivery of medical equipment or ??? ) then the procurement procedures was not followed. Again if the tender requirements needed the financial capacity of more than a certain threshold and if the company did not have, then again on that one too they did not follow the procurement procedure and were wrong but if they had that required threshold in their account then there was no breach of procedure on that point.

    Additionally, if in their company profile if the Directors and shareholders are qualified and have experience in the field of medical supplies that included medicines and medical equipment then just on that one it will cover the area of interpretation in full because they can understand the specs.and delivery as per specification. The experience of staff or shareholders and directors is an added advantage as could be tabulated and explained in their Company profile.

    This is again where the issue of partnerships can be understood and come into play. A new company can work with other existing companies in the field or areas of expertise and do something even when the company is new. There’s no harm or problem.

    Again, if the company despite it being new but supplied all the required items then the issue here can be another one altogether. Based on some of the considered added provisions as explained above

    Now what is the many issue here. Is it the company being new because it was formed and registered last year or
    Is it non supply of the products,/equipment which is the issue because government could have lost the money and also delay in the delivery because it could have delayed service to would have been beneficial clients. Which is which

  4. Fish starts rotting from the head!
    You cannot fight corruption without integrity!
    Refusal to declare personal Assets when running for public office is enough evidence of lack of integrity to run public affairs!
    It’s a lost cause!
    We are officially a Pompwe Republic!

  5. This is a chance for HH to redeem himself. HH kwapula manje including all those in UPND. But I know you are scared of touching your membership because being politicians they can join UK or SP. Be on the side of the people and cleanse your team. You very well know the Ministries in a mess regarding corruption. Kwapula bally, 2016 is around the corner.

  6. The story is very veggie and old, the check was done in December, 2023 and we are in July, 2024. Whoever the person is who is following up the issue, should have gone back in June or July to find out if there is any change since December 2023 and then he can come and report and give us latest verified information. Otherwise the gap between December last year and July this year is too wide. It could have been so that time but now things could be different. Moreover the President already said it that anyone who involves himself in such activities is acting alone. As long as the case is proven, whoever is involved must go, be prosecuted and arrested. Otherwise the President doesn’t encourage or send people to steal from the government as it used to be in the previous administration. Ubomba mwibala alya mwibala. And marrying corruption with declaring of assets by the President is missing the point altogether. Thieves are thieves and even if the President declared his assets today, they can’t change at all, they will still remain thieves.


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