1. They found the USDollar at K3 but they will boast that at least they multiplied it and left it at K20.

2. They found mealiemeal at K35 and they will boast that at least they multiplied the price to K155.

3. They found fuel at K5 and they will boast that at least they multiplied the price to about K19.

All this happened when we even had subsidies and there was no drought neither was there Ukraine-Russia War…. What more if they had tried to remove subsidies like the current have done? I’m sure by now Dollar would have been costing K46, Mealiemeal would cost K690 and Fuel would cost K55 per litre…..

kkkkkkkkkk thank God we are not fools because only fools will buy into their cheap critics kkkkkkkk…. We are very safe under the New Dawn Government.
We will never bring back those evil days NEVER, not even in our death.


1. Free education
2. Student bursaries
3. Student meal allowances
4. CEEC loans
5. CDF projects (classrooms, Clinics, Houses, flushable toilets in compounds where sanitation was a nightmare, Boreholes, etc) country wide
6. CDF sponsored skills training to youths, women & children in tailoring, heavy duty driving, mechanics, power electrical, catering, bricklaying, carpentry & joinery, etc.

7. Employed over 38,000 teachers
8. Employed over 15,000 health personnel.
9. Employed over 30,000 men & women in uniforms.

10. Council workers salary arrears paid.
11. Council workers are now assured of monthly salaries.
12. TAZARA retirees paid.
13. Govt Retirees which PF neglected have been paid.

14. Social Cash Transfer is now obvious.
15. Increased Social Cash Transfer amounts from K100 for the elderly to K800 and from K200 for the disabled to K1200
16. Increased number of Social Cash Transfer beneficiaries.

17. Reduced Social Cash Transfer required age from 65 to 55.
18. Timely disbursement of equilisation funds
19. Govt claims done online e.g partial withdrawal 20% NAPSA

20. Local contractors are paid before embarking on tenders awarded
21. Employment through application not after paying ka something to HRs
22. Decentralised employment not you wake up only to find a neighbour employed from Lusaka or HQ who is later transfered back within 3 months.
23. Increased Fertilizer Input Support Program (FISP) from 3 to 6 bags
24. Increased institutional funding (schools..hospitals) though money is abused by some heads of Dept
25. Massively increased CDF funding to all constituencies without exception
26. Increased media freedoms (Print, TV & Online)

27. Defamation of the President law abolished
28. Increased political space & freedoms
29. Restored rule & law
30. Abolished undesignated roadblocks.
31. Ended caderism in markets, bus stations, bus stops & other public places
32. Increased & fully funded REA projects country wide

33. Balanced cabinet which has representation from all parts of Zambia unlike previously when ministers were only from certain regions
34. Reduced govt expenditure on purchasing e.g CDF monitoring vehicles
35. Building chiefs palaces countrywide including palaces for opposition leaders areas & those who opposed HH whilst in opposition

36. No DC/cadre storming radio stations to stop the programs
37. Private partnership with other companies to build solar plants to prepare for future electricity crisis.
38. Instructed the security wings not to arrest anyone without investigation.
39. Bail and Bond now available to bailable and bondable cases respectively.
40. Employed PF councillors in civil service.

41. Employed son & daughters of prominent opposition leaders in civil service without segregation e.g son to Green Party President Peter Sinkamba is now employed in Zambia Army
42. Lusaka-Ndola dual carriageway which was supposed to be completed under PF tenure is under construction and at a very cheaper price but with good quality
43. Major economic roads are going through facelifts.

44. Police Officers and other Civil Servants have regained their status unlike when cadres were more powerful than them
45. Soldiers are now getting their full package when they come back from Peace Keeping Missions unlike under PF when they were only getting half of the money they worked for out there whilst PF pocketed the other half mmmmmmmm evil

46. Civil Servants are now getting reasonable salary increments yearly unlike previously when there was wage freeze and after 3 years they’re given 3% as increment (what an insult!!)
47. I can go on and on…….. In short its the New Dawn Government until 2096 or even beyond.

Thank God we will never go back to those evil days.

May God Almighty bless President HH and his team and may they live long.


    • Mutale one step at a time naiwe! Those will equally be paid very soon naiwe. Ikaleni pansi ba Mutale before matampa okutumpa!

    • Read the paper Mutale. Last week the Researchers threatened not to work when UNZA opens over ZMK 300million unpaid bills.
      In the course of the week the Minister of Education ran around “cutting back where he could” by reallocating money and paid ZMK 200million. Is that not progressive? These are debta that have been outstanding from the PF/MMD era. Lets give credit where its due and stop false assertions.

  1. The president needs to be told the truth, which is that his chances of retaining are slowly dwindling, and he must switch gears so as to reverse this trend, telling him lies will only lead to loss

  2. Lungu is waiting for prison. If he does not know well his people, they have so many case which have fingers pointing at ECL as the engineer. Lets just wait and see how 2026 shall be because most of the silent PF are eying to break away from PF camp. What holds them today is MPship to get their gratuity and leave Lungu alone.
    In Bemba they say “Bamusho lweko”, Left alone all have run away.

    • Sena are you saying all what has been tabulated are not true achievements or chilibwanji malume imwe? HH is not a life Republican President malume, that if Zambian voters don’t like him, be it.

  3. That’s what happens when you worship in cult an HH becomes your idol. Just look at your hallucinations compared to how bad HH had performed since he became a president?


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