Robert Chabinga files in Court that Miles Sampa is not PF President


PATROTIC Front (PF) acting president Robert Chabinga has submitted in court that Miles Sampa should be removed as a defendant in the lawsuit because the former is the correct person to be sued as party leader.

However, Mr Sampa has argued that he is the correct person to be cited as defendant in the case, contending that he is the rightful PF president and his tenure runs upto 2028.

This is in a case PF secretary general Morgan Ng’ona has sued Mr Sampa over his decision to dissolve the party central committee.

Mr Ng’ona, who cited Mr Sampa as defendant, wants the court to declare as illegal Mr Sampa’s decision because he does not wield such powers since he was expelled from the party.

He is also seeking a court order staying Mr Sampa’s decision until his matter is fully determined.

But Mr Chabinga later applied to be joined to the lawsuit commenced by Mr Ng’ona as an intended defendant and has since filed summons for alteration of parties.

In the summons for alteration of parties, Mr Chabinga submits that the lawsuit in issue was commenced by Ng’ona against Mr Sampa in his capacity as PF president.

He submits that on July 3, 2024, the central committee of the PF convened a meeting at which it was resolved that Sampa be removed from his position as president and replaced with Chabinga.

“I believe true that following the change in the position of presidency, I am the proper defendant having assumed the role and function of the office of the president of the PF,” Mr Chabinga submits.

But Mr Sampa has opposed Mr Chabinga’s summons for alteration of parties insisting that he is the correct defendant because the lawsuit was commenced by Mr Ng’ona who sued him in his capacity as PF president.

“The record indicates in the statement of claim filed by the plaintiff, it was stated at all material times I was the president of the Patriotic Front party”.

Mr Sampa submits that he appointed Mr Chabinga as member of PF central committee and as leader of opposition in Parliament, October 2023.

“On June 30, 2024, I exercised my authority as president of the PF as provided under the party’s constitution to remove the intended defendant from his position as leader of opposition in Parliament”.

The Matero PF lawmaker submits that in removing Mr Chabinga from his position, he merely exercised the constitutional powers vested in him as PF president.

“The intended defendant is not the president of the PF party. That I am the president of PF elected on October 24, 2023 at an extraordinary conference in Lusaka.

“As per terms of the PF constitution, my term runs for a period of five years, commencing from the 24 October, 2023, to the 24 October, 2028”.

Mr Sampa adds that the PF constitution has no provision to remove an elected president and appoint an acting one through a purported central committee meeting.

(Mwebantu, Monday, July 22nd, 2024)


  1. Ok. Will these petty fights for positions and power resolve the average Zambians plights? While Zesco continues to fail to adhere to their own loadshedding schedule. You are waffling as to who is who? Seriously! While you argue as to who is the real “thugester” the funds donated lie undistributed waiting for modalities to be resolved and loop holes for theives to be sealed. Do we have serious legislators among us or is it “dyamo is business as usual”?

  2. Chabinga, Chabinga and Chabinga. I vidily remember you Chabinga when you and Miles Sampa were in Ndola to escort one of our dear citizens who died and you were burying him when you categorically denied that you were not after Miles’ position. Today, you are taking each other to Courts. What a shame for not being PRINCIPLED. Polical prostitutes, ABASH!!


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