By Rev Chilekwa M

Our Nation so rich in natural resources, with a wonderful culture and christian heritage shouldn’t allow homosexuals and all their proponents to impose their evil agenda on the heterosexuals. We are all a product of the heterosexuals. Non of our parents since time in memorial were ever gay. Homosexuals are children of heterosexuals that have transgressed and need the Light of God.

It is idiocy for anyone to entertain the idea of supporting homosexuals in the name of human rights using the Court. You must be insane to think that homosexuality is a human right, it’s a human wrong. Homosexuality is simply sin, an abomination for that matter. The devil is using some within this administration and some silly civil society organisation to push the evil agenda. We are monitoring you closely.

The scheme to sneak LGBTQ into our Zambian law using the Court shall be punished. This evil orchestration by the IMF/World Bank on Zambia has the potential to trigger the wrath of God against any leadership in this Country that opens up it’s doors to homosexuality. We counsel HE the President Mr Hakainde Hichilema not to give in to the pressure of fulfilling evil conditions by the IMF in the name of donor aid or funding, it’s not worth it. Sir, concentrate on serving and working with the people of Zambia and forget about IMF with their useless conditions.

Zambians are intelligent people who can now see through evil agendas. We also take this opportune time to warn the honourable Court to remember that your duty is to serve the greater good of this Republic. Zambians have at many times without number opposed LGBTQ🌈. Be very careful that you don’t ignite a fire you won’t be able to stop in this Nation.

Let any honourable Judge born of a gay couple be the first to support homosexuality. You all honourable Judges are products of heterosexuals and can not therefore support homosexuality in total disregard of the people’s law, cultural and religious belief that are strongly opposed to homosexuality. Please serve this Nation from this evil agenda. Do not betray the Nation for thirty pieces of silver. The soul of Zambia is at a high risk.

God punish the devil👿.

Ndola, Copperbelt, Zambia.


(picture for illustration only)


  1. The time he spent time in jail must have been the time he realised that yakumbuyo is delicious. Now he wants the entire country to enjoy as he did.

    Vote wisely in 2020.

  2. This is the problem of being a fake Christian Nation. If Zambia was a real Christian Nation nobody would dare come up with the homosexuality nonsense. Has Zambia become a puppet state now?

  3. The issue of homosexuality is a religious issue and the government is a political entity, so you don’t expect a religious issue to be solved by a political body. It’s actually you the Clergy who are failing the nation, instead of preaching the gospel and high morals, you are busy preaching politics, divisions and hatred, shame on you. Even when HH is the president, he cannot enact or include a single law in our constitution, laws are enacted by Parliament and not the President and the constitution making process is done by the people. So don’t look at HH for every issue that comes even those which do not concern him. The President only appends his signature when the law has passed the three readings in Parliament. So instead of looking at HH, focus on yourselves, some of you Clergymen are not even worth the name, you are like dogs which don’t bark. History repeats itself, there comes a time when people’s morals sink so law that they come to a level of animals, that’s what prompted God to destroy the earth by flood and Sodom and Gomorrah by fire. Luckily, the people of Nineveh were forgiven when the prophet Jonah was sent to them and that’s the role of the Clergy. There are a lot of these homos who can repent and discard homosexuality just at the first preaching, but no one preaches to them. Have you ever heard God sending a politician to go and preach somewhere? God sends his men the prophets but it’s sad to see that many of them now have become men of gold instead of being men of God. They are busy with politics, prophesying football and elections instead of warning people. Go round the Churches on Saturdays and Sundays and see what sermons you will hear, nothing in morals but only on politics and hatred as we have seen in the recent past. They hate HH because he has not recruited any of them as christians for HH. What do you want HH to do if you, you are not doing anything? Some Churches have officially allowed same sex marriages and you expect HH alone to prevent homosexuality? Even if hh’s president ends as your wish may be, what guarantee do you have that the one who will come after him will prevent homosexuality when it’s being allowed and accepted in many countries including some churches? Some men of God are just a disgrace and we blame them for all the moral decay that we are seeing now. If you are not talking about Churches that allow same sex marriages, why do you always talk about HH or the government? Are you not just making noise and boring people?

    • Great comment. Some of these men of God are just active in spreading unsubstantiated rumours and innuendos. As if HH can just decide to unilaterally “allow” homosexuality against the will of the people. What proof does he have that IMF have made this a conditionality?


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