The way this govt has hunddled the matter of JJ Banda, honestly, its just pure evil- Muhabi Lungu


Muhabi Lungu writes

This is how you destroy a nation

This is not about how I feel. The facts speak for themselves. 1. JJ Banda and Binwell Mpundu were being courted by the UPND since the party won in 2021.

Every effort was being used to get the two on the side of government for two years and a half.

So they were good when they considered supporting the HH agenda and only became criminals when they refused to join his agenda?

2. This case of JJ Banda only became emotive after he was kidnapped and then mentioned two state house officials as being responsible and after the President called him a thug and directed the police to resorect the case.

My brother, not even Super Ken in all his supreme authority under the one party State ever held a press conference and instructed the police to target a citizen; let alone a member of Parliament.

This is like coming out of a Soviet era Dictator or General Idi Amin dada behavior of Uganda behavior.

3. Even Treason Coup plotters have been treated better than JJ Banda. As you know, I once was on trial for treaon and murder. Although,I myself never got sick, I remember Chief inyambo yeta once got very sick, General Zulu almost died in Prison and General Chitompha; the Government did everything possible to ensure they got the best treatment and contacted their families and the party UNIP to ensure transparency.

My father in-law, Edwardward Jack Shamwana, use to be transported to Lusaka for medical attention while serving a conviction in Mukebeko. I used to witness this, under the so called One party Dictatorship..But, The way this government has hunddled this matter of JJ Banda, honestly, its just pure evil.

“Ku yopa mutima ABA bantu” ….I am being totally serious. And someone can send them what I have said. I am shocked at how they have behaved. The justifications they have made for their cruelty. You don’t govern a country like this. This is how you destroy a nation.


  1. They say “Proof is in the pudding”. For an educated and respected person Muhabi exhibits a naive prujice lined with tribal inclination. Borrow Nakachinda’s binoculars.
    1. We have been subject to statements, innuendo and lies that Jayjay was abducted. These driven by individual whose political affiliation is of the previous regime. Very little has come from the state. As the Police deal with facts and it would be premature; let alone for them to blurt out statements without any factual basis or investigative substance.
    2. Prior or during 2021 it was reported that Jayjay assulted a Police officer on duty at Central Police station in Lusaka and robbed the officer of money. That is a crime. If investigated the facts were not brought out or the outcome known. Later a Journalist was assulted and urinated on. An assult (criminal in nature) that later was reduced to a misdemeanor( a petty crime).
    3. In all this a convict should not be able to stand for a seat in Parliament.
    4. Fast foreward, the law and possibly the complainants of the two crimes alluded to asked for a review of the matter. The state as custodian of the law reopened the cases and Jay jay was re arrest or rather arrested.
    I just want to as Mr. Muhabi if he was one those that was a victim of the allegations that Jay Jay comitted. Would he not want justice? Why do we have laws if the application is selective? Should Jay jay even have been in Parliament or the powers that be at the time have a different definition of Justice?
    Ba Muhabi stop being naive and tribally prejudice. In your first year at University one of the first things you should have learn is bias. How to avoid it. Objectivity and critical thinking. If not then the degree you have is useless. As those form the basis of an educated person. Stop embarassing UNZA alumuni, you embarass the man you so admired and say inspired you….KK

  2. In a country where there is dictatorship the notion of giving a patient who is in prison chance to have some privacy with his wife is laughable ba Lungu.In fact there is no dictatorship in Zambia.If it was there we were not going to see this abuse of freedom we are seeing today.People can even give statements which incite anarchy and are let free like that.Some are heard using derogatory language against the head of state and are freely moving around and you say there is a dictator.You must be a joker boss.Some are even known to be alarmists and are allowed to continue with their hobbies and misleading unsuspecting citizens.You know it is a very serious offence to give false and alarming statements in this country but some people are busy practicing that.Maybe they are paid handsomely because they don’t seem to care about the consequences.

  3. Great job by UPND Praise Singers.
    A case that fully saw its day incourt and guilty persons were jailed and others fined.Then Bingo, the President calls one of them a Thug and orders the reopening of the case after 9 years.Tables will turn soon


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