I Never Said ‘Zambians are hungry’- GBM


I wish to categorically refute the story and news item which has even been given headine status by the Daily Nation as captioned above.

I have not issued any statement to any media house as I have been unwell and under strict medical adherence for quite a period now and therefore the story in the paper is untrue and does not deserve the prominence and indeed the publicationas this statement was never made to them or any media for that matter.

Additionally, Daily nation has never covered my stories from the time I took them to court, so what has prompted them to carry my story this time.

I request the Daily Nation to retract the story as quickly as possible.


  1. That is the Daily Nation for you! They will do anything to discredit the UPND government and promote Mr. Lungu and his PF.

    What is the Daily Nation saying in its defense?


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