Lusaka, August 29, 2024 –

The Zambia Police Service wishes to inform the public that today, August 29, 2024, a warn and caution statement has been recorded from Honourable Miles Sampa in connection with an alleged offence of Seditious Practice.

This is contrary to Section 57 (1) (b) as read with Section 60 (1) (b) of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The allegation pertains to an incident that occurred on August 17, 2024, at approximately 17:07 hours in Lusaka District, Lusaka Province. It is alleged that Honourable Sampa did post and caused to be published a video on his Facebook page, “Miles Sampa,” containing words that may bring hatred or contempt or excite disaffection against the government as by law established.

The Honourable Member of Parliament has since been released after the recording of the warn and caution statement.
The Zambia Police Service remains committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their status, are held accountable for their actions in accordance with the law.

The public is urged to refrain from engaging in activities that may contravene the law and to continue cooperating with law enforcement authorities as we strive to maintain peace and order in our country.
Rae Hamoonga


  1. Iam not a Sampa supporter but the charges sound as cooked up as a pot of goat’s head soup. How can any Judge convict someone on such a paralysed charge? Police get a life! Get a life apart from putting a gun to citizens’ heads asking for bribes. You are so loathed Ugggh!

  2. Sometimes we need to get our heads out the sand. This is a warning to Sampa to desist publishing unfound falsehoods.
    A walk of shame. An adult to engage in telling lies. What is even more stonishing is when we share our inability to distingush right from and exhibit our ignorance by trying to enbrozen wrong by suggesting that the Police are being petty. There is nothing petty about breaking law and Police doing their work. Enforcing law.
    It only shows one’s lack of appreciation the cosequences.

    • I comment on public issues and politics in a general way. I hv been doing it for years and years. Never hv the Police sent a call-out to question me. I hv even reacted to some of Miles Sampa’s commentary. Where I’m speculating, I do not present my guesswork as a fact. I can do it by asking questions. Miles Sampa is no ordinary citizen like me. He’s an elected official and currently sitting as Member of Parliament for Matero constituency in the capital city. He therefore has name-recognition and can approach a government office to establish the facts about most public issues.

  3. @ Gunner in Zambia.
    Interesting comment from Mr Gunner in Zambia… Become a columnist then, and don’t hide behind a pseudonym, and you will see how your house will come tumbling down, if you dare rub the feathers of the Great one…And why should one be abstract when dealing with specific issues? Then your comment becomes noise, and you are an apologist or a yoyo with no stand, of no value.
    But offcourse Praise Thugs are immune. Do you expect Koswe or Watchdog rogue ‘ journalists’ , Simuuwe, Sikaile, or Kapinga , or your self to spend time at Twin Palm.It won’t happen for you tow the line….The issue between Hakainde and Miles Sampa has been playing out in public from the time he was aided by state machinery to organize an illegal PF conference on 24th October 2023…the drama at Nelly Mutti’s Parliament, Registrar of Societies or our Courts have been played out in the public domain.
    Now that Sampa is trying to disentangle himself from the grip of the great one, Twin palm is on his menu..and this won’t be the last call. The late Ruth Mbandu( MHSRIP) cold case will soon start thawing…the noises have already started from the Great one’s rogue media.
    That’s how the Great one operates..He is an Open book…A see through.

    • I do not know why you choose to be abusive. I do not believe in that. Yes, I hv used a pseudonym but so have you. I cannot comment on the Ruth Mbandu case. I do not know the facts about how she so sadly lost her life. All those things you hv mentioned, I hv read about them but I do not know the facts and I will never dress up my speculation as a fact. I leave that to those who do not know how to live with fellow citizens in a civilised way. I take insights from moral philosophy seriously. I’m quite political in a non-participative sense. I take voting as a serious responsibility but I hv no time for joining a political party. I hv no time to attend long meetings that pointlessly last longer than they should. I do not think that Zambian society is ready for the kind of pllitics I believe in. I recognise that I could be wrong but that the provisional theory I live by for the time being.


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