SOCIALIST PARTY IS THE HOPE FOR ZAMBIA…the party will continue fighting for human dignity and equity for the marginalized, says Dr Musumali



….the party will continue fighting for human dignity and equity for the marginalized, says Dr Musumali

Lusaka… Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dr Cosmas Musheke Musumali has said Socialist Party (SP) is the hope for the people of Zambia and will liberate them from the yokes of imper!alism.

Speaking during the SP 2nd National Congress in Lusaka yesterday, Dr. Musumali said the Socialist Party also appreciates the support and encouragements coming from the people of Zambia as they see the SP as the hope for a better future.

He further went on to appreciate Zambians in the diaspora as well as other associations outside the country for their continued support in strengthenening the party.

“We also salute the Zambian masses that continue to encourage and support us as a Socialist Party. They may not be in this Congress today but on a daily basis they are saying you are our hope. So, as I am talking to you now we have got hundreds of the people from the diaspora that have tuned in and they are watching the proceedings of this Congress. So to those comrades in the diaspora wherever you are we salute you,” he said.

Dr Musumali said Socialists across the global have continued to fight for the rights of the people and share the same ideologies.

“Our struggles are the same as we share the same victim!zations and same noble cause of liberàting the people from the yokes of imper!alism. We fight for human dignity, equity because a good number of our people worldwide are marginalized. So your struggles are our struggles and that’s why we cannot separate ourselves from the struggles of other countries,” he added

“We listen to our national anthem that says Africa is our own motherland. So there was Africa before there was Zambia. So we were Africans first before we became Zambians.”

He further said the SP will actualize the aspirations of the many Zambians of a better tomorrow.

“We want to actualize the trust the masses have in the Socialist Party that sees it as the hope of a better future. It is our hope that to all the comrades from the ten provinces of this country that have gathered here, to the comrades from different organizations that support the Socialist Party that as we proceed with this Congress and without exception you find this event useful. The Socialist Party will be the core foundation of this nation and actualize the people’s aspirations of a better tomorrow.”


  1. Hope is now, that we have in the New Dawn
    Government. Otherwise there’s completely and absolutely nothing that the current opposition is saying and could offer because every sector of the economy is well and being reconstructed after a so shameful distruction by PF and Edgar Lungu.

    These pool of Blood sucking PF + Socialist items and noise makers destroyed our Economy, destroyed our peace, destroyed our unity and killed multitudes of our reatives- innocent Zambian citizens.

    While Mmembe a rider on PF brought, encouraged and supported a canser of tribalism, hatred between different Zambian tribes, deprived the treasury of the much needed tax revenue through tax evation with his post news paper and courier, promoted thugery and became an untouched monument

    We are as Zambians in ssfe hands now. Things are getting and becoming better and the tressure of peace has been returned. The murderers who killed many Zambians, the murderers who divided the country and stole from the coffers of the nation are all over on the untihills and roof tops making noise and spreading rumours and force-hoods but things are getting better dispite the natural calamities that we are inn, our ALMIGHTY GOD the CREATOR of heaven and earth is with us. IT SHALL BE WELL AGAIN.

    May the ALMIGHTY GOD bless our President Dr. HAKAINDE Hichilema, May the Almighty God richly blesd our Country Zambia in Christ Jesus’s name. Shalom!


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