UPND has failed, must go Jean Chisenga tells Parley


UPND has failed, must go Jean Chisenga tells Parley

UPND has failed, must go Jean Chisenga tells Parley

MAMBILIMA Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament, Jean Chisenga yesterday told Parliament that the UPND government has failed and that it was time for the administration to be hounded out of government.

Ms Chisenga said one of the duties of opposition MPs was to give advice to government and the best advice she could offer was that the Hakainde Hichilema administration had lamentably failed and should therefore be voted out in the 2026 general elections.


  1. If this MP will stand for re-election in 2026, she is the one who will go. She will lose her seat, so be careful what you wish for others madam.

  2. This calibre of leadership is very poor. Alternative solutions to our challenges should be offered regardless of partisan affiliation. The ruling and opposition party have a shared responsibility to better the lives of Zambians. Dishing out unqualified, unsupported blanket statements is just bitterness, malice and schyopedity. Zambia deserves better than this. Our young people in parliament are a serious letdown.

    • You are right. The calibre of leadership is very poor starting from the president. He had all the solutions while in opposition but given the presidency by the Zambian people all the solutions he had are lost including the formulae he used to show us when he was in opposition. His praise singers are now defending by asking members of the opposition to provide solutions. How ironical.

  3. Surely are these law makers we should vote for?
    Is this indeed a law maker? What has she done in her Constituency?
    I doubt if her Constituency has moved even an inch in the last 60 years. Before she was born in fact.

  4. What has she achieved herself in her constituency? Someone please educate me of her achievements in her personal life and as an MP for her to call other people as failures.

  5. She looks and acts more like a monkey than as an Mp. No wonder there is no development in Mambilima with this calibre of grade 9 dropout leadership

  6. She looks to be drunk all the time and she treats Parliament as a platform to attack HH and UPND at the expense of development in her Constituency. Three year has gone, what has she done for the people of Mambilima? She needs serious image builders otherwise her conduct leaves much to be desired.

  7. Mambilima Constituency look for a mature MP not this one. Mambilima had had a good numbers of MPs before her .Since she became an MP there is nothing she has done for Mambilima . She has been confrontation for a long time . If the government has failed then it her who has failed and she must go ? My heart breeds when I see this type of Checks and balances from MPs like herself .


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