VIDEO:”Twalamwingilamo namakofi if HH continued nechitenya ” – Lungu”Twalamwingilamo namakofi if HH continued nechitenya ” – Lungu



  1. This ECL clown is really a disgrace. No matter how much Zambians suffer. ECL will never be the answer. Violence is his nature. If I where HH, I would also never want to see this guy come back. If his previous presidency was that ruthless I cannot imagine how his second rule would be. Zambians work-up!!

  2. We got rid of this unpalatable specimen in 2021.

    We will get rid of the current unpalatable specimen in 2026 as well.

    Zambia is not a playground for ECL and HH.

    Let us vote against crooks in 2026.

    • Aren’t you ashamed of yourself that if you can lose by elections in your own bedroom Mwansabombwe you can’t win in 2026?
      Are you listening to your boss? What message does he have apart from icintinya?
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  3. I couldn’t believe it when I heard Lungu saying what he said this afternoon. He was talking of attacking the President with blows (amakofi) in Bemba. Imagine such words coming from the mouth of the former president, It’s so shameful to find that Lungu has sunk so low, a Statesman reducing himself to a level of a ….. I am even at loss of words to use. Zambia is a peaceful and Christian nation, nobody in Zambia can allow Lungu to come back to power through violence, never. We can’t allow our peace and democracy of 60 years to be destroyed by one selfish man. What makes him think that he is the best man to run this country when he already showed us that he was the best man who destroyed our country. Violence and its perpetrators have no place in Zambia.

  4. Zambians must be commended for getting rid of ECL.

    Zambians must also ensure that ECL and PF will NEVER be in power again, given their lack of leadership qualities.

  5. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself that if you can lose by elections in your own bedroom Mwansabombwe you can’t win in 2026?
    Are you listening to your boss? What message does he have apart from icintinya?
    Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  6. This is classical Edgar Lungu behaviour. At heart, he is a violent man and the way of peace he knows not. Violence marks his ways and those who delude themselves that he has learnt lessons from his misrule should listen carefully to his pronouncement.

    He is playing “repentant” just to sneak into power and then he will unleash his full tonne of bricks on us, the hapless citizens. This time he will take no prisoners. He will lay our country to total waste. Makes you wonder what his plan B is if he is blocked from contesting the presidency.

  7. Kabova, language, kabova conduct, kabova everything. And you want to bounce back?
    Your character is what tells me who you really are. Anything else you say is secondary.
    Bottom line. . . You can never change


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