ACC DG resigns, as HH accepts resignation



Corruption Woes Deepen at Anti-Corruption Commission as President Hichilema Accepts Resignation of Director General

President Hakainde Hichilema has accepted the resignation of Mr. Thom Trevor Shamakamba from his position as Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Zambia.

The development comes amidst growing concerns over the effectiveness of the country’s anti-corruption efforts under Shamakamba’s leadership.

Rumors of deepening rifts between Shamakamba and the ACC board had been swirling for some time, with reports that he had repeatedly failed to heed the board’s directives to pursue corruption cases involving government officials.

One particularly contentious issue was Shamakamba’s decision to grant immunity to former Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Ronald Simwinga, who was implicated in the misappropriation of K69 million. He was also accused of shielding four former Ministry of Finance officials from investigation.

These decisions, coupled with Shamakamba’s apparent reluctance to go after serving government officials accused of corruption, had led to growing frustration within the ACC and among the general public.

The resignation also comes on the heels of scathing criticisms from opposition leaders, who have accused the Hichilema administration of being “the most corrupt government” and “pillaging public resources” through dubious procurement practices.

Socialist Party President Dr. Fred M’membe went as far as to state that the current government’s corruption makes the previous Patriotic Front administration look like “mere pick-pocketers, stealing small change.”

The accusations of selective prosecution and the politicization of the anti-corruption fight have further eroded public confidence in the ACC’s ability to effectively tackle the scourge of graft.

President Hichilema, who campaigned on a platform of fighting corruption, has now been tasked with restoring the credibility of the anti-corruption efforts. The acceptance of Shamakamba’s resignation may be seen as a first step in that direction, but the public will be closely watching to see if the new leadership at the ACC will be able to deliver on the promise of a corruption-free Zambia.

As the nation grapples with these corruption woes, the question remains: will the Hichilema administration be able to turn the tide and reclaim the moral high ground in the fight against graft, or will the ACC continue to be seen as a mere political tool in the hands of those in power?


16th July, 2024


  1. Resignations never happened when Lungu was in charge. This is a good development. No one is indispensable. Zambia is bigger than individuals.

  2. My prayer is that HH means well in his acceptance of Thom’s resignation!!! He should go further and urge those implicated to resign so that effective investigations are conducted, and public resources deemed to have been swindled restored to the owners ( patriotic Zambians)!!! This way, I guarantee my vote for him come 2026, OTHERWISE kwipusha imbwa nga naifwala nangu iyoo…

    • Well said. This resignation should only be the first step. The statement by the ACC Board Member suggests more but the actions of the former DG borders of criminality. That should be prosecuteable. To prosecute would send a strong signal that no one is above the law or above board.
      I also reiterate that the office of the Public Prosecutor is very dormant. Does she give insight or advice on such issues to the Head of State? As investigator of Investigators she should help give insight for a better presective on issues such as this.

  3. No more kabwalala, this is not Lungu running the government. No wonder we can not develop , we continue with backward thinking. Did Kalaba not resign from the position of foreign minister?
    Deflecting from the issue at hand is a poverty of mind.
    He resigned due to massive incompetence, corruption, negligence, nepotism and this self inflicted feeling of entitlement that ‘ that we have witnessed and observed at an alarming rate our brothers and sisters are suffering from because they have subjected themselves to a core belief that it’s there time,’
    Enslaving oneself to a concept that is impossible to achieve or gasp gaslight the notion that you are a second class human being even though you’re not.
    We are to believe and pray for our brothers and sisters for God to enlighten them that they are special beings with talents and abilities like anyone.
    HH is a good person but the people who are surrounding him are snakes with two heads. They have easily forgotten that, the people of Zambia with good will came together regardless of who they are , belong , class , religion, tribe, young or old together to give HH the opportunity to run the affairs of country on their behalf. Together we are stronger than sand on the beach. Don’t bring HH down and claim in future people they hate him when you are causing unnecessary damage and dramas in the name of ‘it’s our time.’ HH must read the bible closely about who betrayed Jesus and who denied knowing Jesus three times, these were closer to him and fed together and promised they will never leave him alone but die with him.

  4. The revelations are vile. Do the judges who are reportedly endorsing the consent judgements been doing it in good faith or they are also part of the rot? How long has this been going on? It’s not looking good for justice in Zambia. Did Dr O’Brien Kaaba try to fight within and was not getting cooperation?

    • The Judicial commission should review the decisions made by the said Judges. And refer them to JCC if they are tainted. Sweeping issues under the rug should be a thing of the past.

    • I blamed the Dr yesterday for coming out loud in the media but I now strongly believe he tried to air this out within for a long time and got tired. My apologies Dr O’brien, I hope HH can put you as the ACC DG maybe you can coordinate things well there.

      • Useless praise singers. You are part of the problem because you support every nonsense that comes from your corrupt tribalist conman.

  5. Let’s embrace the late President Pombe Magufuri of Tanzania fight on Corruption leav no stone unturned no one is above the Law we all govern by the rule of law

  6. If the pf thieves are still getting away with our stolen money then we have e a major issue here.
    Listen up UPND, if there are no convictions then WILL BE A ONE TERM GOVERNMENT

  7. Let’s be honest, thieving is in our blood in this country. The only way to curb it is to criminalize corruption. You’ll talk and complain but nothing will change. Most people in our country survive through illegal activities, this is a FACT. Unfortunately the very people entrusted with power in our institutions are the drivers of corruption.

  8. The circus continues…..there has NEVER been any fight against corruption. Right from2021, it’s just been a total farce .

    It’s appalling to keep “being methodical” while grand corruption is abated. FIC report is clearly attesting to this corruption increase with no tangible convictions three yrs on…

    The buck stops with the appointing authority , this is beyond mere incompetence.

  9. Corruption the world over is a very tricky area to straighten because of the kind of people involved in this scourge, most corrupt people wild huge purses which can be used to turn investigators away and Zambia is no exception, you have very poor investigators pitted against dirty tycoons, what do you expect from such a pairing, definitely the dirty tycoons will win.

  10. This should not just end with resignations. The culprits must be pursued relentlessly and locked up if found guilty.

    They must also be made to give back to the state their ill gotten moneys.

    If the story simply ends with their resignation and they are left to enjoy their rotten wealth, the war on corruption will be lost.

    PF engaged in corruption and got away. UPND are also engaging in corruption because they know they will get away with it. It is time we, as the public, demanded full accountability and restitution from the corrupt government officials. It is our money they are stealing.


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