Laura Miti
Laura Miti


Laura Miti writes:

I was about to start transcribing the audio said to be of PSes Dickson Matembo and Thabo Kawana, speaking to Jay Jay on his alleged abduction.

I was not looking forward to that but heck – for days I could hardly make sense of what was being said in the audio. Luckily, my colleague alerted me to the fact that News Diggers had already done what was going to be painful work. Phew!

Thank you News Diggers!

So, I’ve read the transcript. First conclusion is that it was not my listening failiing me. The conversation, even as set out in writing, is disjointed and highly inarticulate🤦🏾‍♀️.

Anyhow, I was able to pick a few passably conclusive points:

  1. The Permanent Secretaries were on a self appointed (it sounds like, anyway) mission to bring an end to the Jay Jay alleged abduction matter.
  2. The PSes particularly wanted Jay Jay to exonerate Presidential staffers, Clayson Hamasaka and Levy Ngoma, from the accusation that they were the abducters. Sounded like the push was that Lawyer Sakwiba Sikota made the claim, not Jay Jay, or at least that’s what the boma people wanted the Petauke MP to to say.
  3. On number 3, the Permanent Secretaries did not come across as quite agreed. PS Matembo seemed convinced that the abduction was by some forces that will be revealed after ongoing investigations end. He seemed to believe that Mr Sikota made up the Clayson – Levy story, deliberately besmirching innocent people’s reputations.

PS Matembo says – And those same chaps, then they should come to you with a bill after lying to the world. Don’t allow that.

On the other hand, Kawana seems to push for Jay Jay to confirm that it was Clayson and Levy who abducted him, so that he can go and tell “the boss.” He suggests he needs the whole truth in order to inform the President it was his men who did this, so that the guilty two can be sidelined, while still not implicating the innocent (in Kawana’s sense) Kateks.

Kawana: So they did it?

Jay Jay: cough.. I can’t say something…

Kawana: Jay Jay, me I just want to hear you say yes or no, so when I go to speak with the boss, I’ll tell him “boss these two were mentioned. They did it. But we can’t let this out because when this thing goes out, it is you.”

The Information PS goes on to state that he will say to the President that the two “abducters” probably thought they were doing him (Kateks) a favour.

My sense (could be wrong) was that PS Kawana sounded like he would really like Clayson and Levy to be guilty. Why – kaya🤷🏾‍♀️.

Anyhow, Jay Jay does not confirm whether Clayson and/or Levy abducted him. What he does is resist publicly withdrawing the accusation, because it will look bad on him.

He also does not stand up for his lawyer, Sikota, who is being accused of inserting things he did not say into a statement.

In the midst of all that, there is talk of a witch doctor Jay Jay seems desperate to see, as it is being used as bait for him to do what Kawana wants.

There is also a chief and Jay Jay’s sister, who seem to be his advisers and who are also having meetings.

We heard too that RB funded JayJay to campaign against Dora Siljya in Petauke, in 2016. Hmm juicy titbut that!

Then that Kawana and Felix Mutati, (in one of the Minister’s previous lives) vusuted RBs abode and joined there former President and Jay on a ka nsima.

All in all, it’s both a revealing and confusing conversation.

The question that is clear in the mind, though, is – what are PSes doing carrying out shady negotiations?

Aren’t these guys civil servants?

Well, I guess they did not argue when Jay Jay kept referring to them as politicians.

Oh audio ends with someone said to be Minister Masebo arriving. Jay Jay announces her as good peeps!

OK ine nimadabwa – how anyone gets recorded saying something they would not want to be heard.

But that’s another story.


  1. Both Permanent Secretaries are politicians. They are not civil servants, especially Mr. Kawana.

    They have been caught fishing in murky waters. It poisons the integrity of the civil service, that is if there is any integrity left.


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