…says that’s the reason why Zambians are resolved to kick them out in 2026.


CITIZENS First President Harry Kalaba says giving the UPND another five year mandate will be disastrous and lead to increased suffering among Zambians.

Speaking when he featured on Mphangwe FM radio in Katete district, Eastern province, Mr. Kalaba said the UPND Government has proven that it has failed to preside over the affairs of the country.

He said the cost of living has reached an unbearable level which is beyond the reach of many Zambians.

Mr. Kalaba adds that this is the reason why Zambians are resolved to kick the UPND out of power in 2026 and usher in the United Kwacha Alliance- UKA.

” Another five years of the UPND in power will be disastrous. This is the reason why Zambians are resolved to kick them out and try the United Kwacha Alliance. Zambians will not survive if the UPND is allowed to continue because they have proven that they have failed, ” Mr. Kalaba said.

And Mr. Kalaba said President Hichilema and the UPND are more concerned about making profits in the energy sector that’s why they are selling electricity to neighboring countries and plunging the country into darkness.

” The UPND is more concerned about making profits, that’s why they are selling power and not looking at the welfare of Zambians, loadsheding is likely to be 48 hours,” the CF leader said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kakaba said there will be no fight for power in the United Kwacha Alliance when it comes to choosing the leader because they are all aware of the challenges the country is going through.

He said the Alliance’s common enemy is the UPND adding that, that’s why all political parties in UKA have put aside their differences and ensure they liberate Zambians from poor leadership.



  1. Laughable, Kalaba ALABA what he said about ELC and his Pfools. Man has no shame no memory.
    What is that you will bring to Zambia. To start with you even lost your Bhati constituency .
    Pitifull sorry sight you re. Am embarrassment of a human creature.

  2. Tell us the party that we shall vote for because no Zambian in his rightful mind will vote for you and your CF or your UKWA/PF. You, you left PF because it was already a disaster, a big and terrible one for that matter, so what are you talking about, just shut up.

  3. Bakalaba which Zambians are you talking about. As for me I can’t, by the grace of God waste my vote on you and your UKWA bag things, because;
    1. You lack integrity
    2. You are a group of greedy, corrupt and vissionaless people.
    3. You have no interest of the Country but your own interest because you borrowed carelessly, you defaulted in 2020, you are tribalist and evil people who preach hatred even in Churches example of the rally or meeting you had in Dan PULES DUNAMIS Church.
    4. You aren’t principled as you say Lungu is corrupt, you resign and you are again together in short it is either you were stealing together or you have run bankrupt hence going back to your proclaimed corrupt Lungu.
    5. You, uncle Luo and your Edgar scrapt meal allowances for university students in order to starve them. What type of people are you. What integrity do you have to speak and condemn a hard working party – UPND in government.

    HH is doing a great job which the enemy is not happy of, because even the cost of living you are relying on to defame the government and President Hakainde Hichilema, he has a formula of working systematically to resolve it. The draught will not stay forever, and God is faithful to see us through.

  4. Rightly put Mr Harry Kalaba, your only interest is to kick out your enemy the UPND from power and NOT to serve Zambian people. Typical behaviour of Zambian Politicians:Hynas and Wolves fighting over a Carcass. Shameless and greedy Lot!!

  5. What will be disastrous for the country is for PF/UKA to take control of the country. PF pushed Zambia back to the early 2000s. PF/UKA will take us to 1991.

    Let’s be honest with ourselves. If RB and the MMD had continued after 2011, Zambia would have been in a much better shape now. Says and his PF should have never happened to Zambia. Wasted years.

    • I really don’t know what you mean by PF getting you years into the 2000 when PF yet it’s PF modernised our country to very high levels. PF built in infrastructure that changed the face of Zambia such as building the Intetnational airport which is next to none, roads, hospitals, schools, etc which make people who were abroad for a long time Zambia start even getting lost in Zambia because of the new face Zambia is now wearing. Let’s be serious and honest, PF really changed the face of Zambia.

  6. They must be kicked out even before 2026, pantu we are starving , we dying from hunger because of Upnd selfishness, greediness, tribalism, too much nepotism. Nothing is working out in favour of the common Zambian. But Mr. Kalaba and company should make sure they unite Zambians against Hichilema and Upnd, because these people are planning big, they don’t want to lose power in 2026. They plan to use very sophisticated methods to remain in power, beyond August 2026. So Mr. Kalaba and company should be in touch with the moles in government so that they use the best methods to thwart Hichilema’s and his finished Upnd’s plans!

  7. Ba Kalaba, mukwai HH and UPND are doing just fine considering the extensive damage that your comrades, the PF, wreaked on our country. It is very easy to destroy but very difficult to rebuild. Your PF allies had seven long years to do the destruction and you are expecting the damage to be repaired in three years? That is total madness! It will take ten years for us to begin to see the results of the rebuilding efforts regardless of who is in power, that is, if they do the right thing like UPND is doing.

    As for a power struggle within UKWA, that is not possible. The power behind UKWA is Mr. Lungu and his PF faction (Powered by ECL) . Mr. Lungu is always talking of being voted back into power. I have not heard any of the other so called presidents in UKWA talking like that. So this matter is settled and you won’t fool anyone. Without Mr. Lungu, there is no UKWA. Simple as that. The rest of you “muli inshindishi” fye (you are mere escorts).

    With regard to loadshedding, let me remind you Mr. Kalaba, that your PF allies when they were in power and we complained about it, told us to urinate in the Kariba dam if we wanted power. If l remember correctly, this was Mr. Davies Chama’s innovative solution to the problem. At least UPND are coming up with more practical alternatives than the ever vulgar PF.

    Voting back PF into power through their UKWA vehicle would be the disaster. They will undo the gains we have so painfully made under UPND and lead us into the Mariana Trench from which we will never come out. This time, they will take no prisoners. It will be total destruction.

    The other UKWA leaders know that on their own, they have absolutely no chance of making it into government so they are riding on the coat tails of Mr. Lungu’s PF to land a government position.

    • By the way, you’re not mentioning the gains that upnd government has made since we ushered them into the driving seat of this country.

  8. Kalaba should stop deceiving himself and the people, there are no Zambians that have resolved to vote out UPND, it’s just UKWA’s usual propaganda. Zambians are politically wise, they cannot get rid of a better government and bring in a worse one.

    • Kikikikiki, except for PF none of the so called presidents in UKA Alliance have an MP or councillor elected they are all presidents of one man family parties kikikikikiki


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