Are you Jay Jay Banda’s co-self-abductor/abductor? Commit suicide like Judas Iscariot!- Austin Mbozi


Are you Jay Jay Banda’s co-self-abductor/abductor? Commit suicide like Judas Iscariot!

By Austin Mbozi

I am writing to you who is HIDDING after you participated in the ‘self-abduction’ or real abduction of Petauke MP Jay Jay Banda.

Yes, Jay Jay is quite irresponsible and may even have broken laws. But your abducting him with or without his consent is not only illegal but also stupid. Just go and commit suicide. The Biblical Judas Escariot had a better moral conscious than you. Judas only betrayed Jesus by accepting money (like the current Zambia Police’s ‘catch-Jay-Jay-for -K2 million’ offer) to assist them in arresting him. But he did not participate in abducting Jesus. Yet, he felt guilty and committed suicide. But you participated, causing many people arrested. Yet you are walking around with your big empty head just because police have not arrested you. Is your woman okay? She closes her eyes sleeping next to you with no knowledge of what you did? Not fearing you? No feeling of guilty, drinking tea bought with dirty money from your abduction?

Obviously, you may plot against me for writing this. Well, be ready that it is either you or me to kiss dust in the grave in the process. I am a veteran fighter from the ‘UNZA PF-thief-thug stooges verses Austin Mbozi’ rumble of the jungle war. I have lost everything but developed a stronger soul which you cannot kill. You can’t scare even a fly. Can you defeat that remand prison bullying ‘commander Galeduo’ like I did?

First, you are a thoughless empty-head. If Jay Jay asked you to help in his self-abduction in order to accuse/discredit the UPND leadership, did your empty head not ask what if some thieves killed him where you left him at night near Chita Lodge in Kafue? If Jay Jay assured you that he had planted somebody to immediately pick him and take him to Kafue District Hospital, then why did you not fear the possibility that police would see the publicity and pick him from hospital and arrest him for faking his abduction?

If it was not Jay Jay abducting himself, then it is you a UPND overzealous who adducted him. All probabilities show that President HH, home affairs minister Jack Mwiimbu and the police IG were certainly NOT involved. Such top level bosses’ ‘operation’ cannot fail like that petty ‘kaponya’ level Jay Jay one. The US killed Congo’s Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and overthrew Ghana’s President Kwame Nkrumah through the CIA. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Vladimir Putin of Russia are accused of succeeding using smart secret intelligence. Even dull Adi Amin of Uganda killed deputy commander Brigadier Okoro and Chief Justice Benedicto Kiwanuka (September 1972). No traces. Malawi’s dictator Kamuzu Banda adducted Orton Chirwa/his wife from exile in Zambia and jailed them.

It seems as a cadre UPND abductor you heard that police were planning to arrest Jay Jay for his PF-era crimes. Because your empty head has no brilliant developmental ideas that can attract favourable attention from the UPND top lesdership, you decided to abduct him yourself hoping to please them. You have failed. If your intention was to hand him over to police, then what made you think that you would immediately find the specific officer assigned to arrest him? Does your head not know that police officers cannot arrest somebody unless at least they have in mind what ‘holding charge’ to enter in the OB book? Could it be that after you realised that the officers at the nearest station could not understand why you ‘arrested’ him, you drove him away towards Kafue wondering what to do with him? Or was it your intention to fish out information about former President Edgar Lungu? If so, what was your Plan B in the event that he refused to give information?

Second, you have made many people to suffer; their household and political leaders are under arrest. You pushed the following defenders of Jay Jay into acts that got them arrested for allegedly breaking the law: Lumezi MP Munir Zulu for hate speech, Mfuwe MP Maureen Mubonga for hate speech, former finance minister Edith Nawakwi for seditious practices, and civil rights activist Brebner Changala for seditious practices. If you helped in self-abduction in order to help PF/UKA in accusing/decamping UPND, you are a liability to this same PF/UKA because you have made them lose their leaders facing jail.

Third, if you abducted to appease top UPND leaders, you are a liability to UPND because you have actually de-campaigned its decent leaders. The fact is that many Zambians do believe that UPND participated in or worsened this saga. Some think UPND-led police spread out its rivalry with PF/UKA thief-thugs by including other opposition leaders in arrests over indefensible charges, extremists think UPND actually did the abduction while some think that UPND/police made the mistake of arresting Jay Jay for old crimes by receiving him directly from the abduction/self abduction instead of releasing him first and then arrest him separately for those crimes. This last group wonders why his abduction/self abduction should coincide with his formal arrest. This wondering intensifies by police’s failure to reveal how and with whom Jay Jay adducted himself. UPND will face difficulty in winning over voters in the constituencies of the effected MPs or votes of their friends and extended families.

Fourth, you have caused arrest of the following officers for allegedly helping Jay Jay escape from Chipata’s Namuseche Prison via Chipata Central Hospital: Phineas Mfungwe (Zambia Police), Benson Kabole (Zambia Police), Moses Sakala (Zambia Prisons), Nathan Mbao (Zambia Prisons) and Musa Spider Zulu (Zambia Prisons)

Fifth, because of you Jay Jays’ family is fatherless with his escape; and motherless when his wife Lombe Chiti is arrested for allegedly aiding Jay Jay’s escape.

The author advises UPND and opposition leaders to cut off their associations with Jay Jay’s self-abduction helpers or abductors to avoid drowning with them. Phone: 0978-741920. Email:



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