Being born with among LGBTIQ is not a curse but diversity in nature- Chilufya Tayali

Chilufya Tayali

Chilufya Tayali



Many times I have found myself in trouble, because I look more on what is good, or just, or fair, than the law. I am not legalistic obstinate.

In Zambia when we talk about being tolerant to those who are naturally different from the majority, especially the LGBTIQ, many of you become so indignant and furious, quoting the law or the Bible, but when you fornicate (or adultery), doing your doggy styles and going down on each other, you never refer to the Bible on how s3x must be done.

I wonder if Jesus would be so unreasonable before the reality of LGBTIQ, because much as you deny it, this is a reality, albeit you refusing to accept it.

Such situations arose even at the time of Jesus, in Luke 6:6-11we read how Pharisees wanted to corner Jesus for breaking the law by doing good on a sabbath.

I know you will say, he was doing good, and not entertaining the LGBTIQ, but my point is LEGALISM at the expense of reason, justice, compassion, fairness, etc.

At the time of Jesus, being born with a deformity was considered as a curse, just like how we look at, or judge, the LGBTIQ, but Jesus never looked at this in the same way.

Calling the withered man into the center, Jesus said to Pharisees, ‘I put it to you: is it against the law on the sabbath to do good, or to do evil; to save life, or to destroy it?’

Similarly, I put it to you, “what sin do you commit for being kind, compassion, reasonable…to LGBTIQ?” Why judge them? What business is yours in NOT letting them be as they are?

I know you will be furious with me for this article, but even the Pharisees were, with Jesus, and you would want to stone me, but I believe it is unjust, unfair, cruel to judge and discriminate against people who are different from the rest of us.

Being born with among LGBTIQ is not a curse but diversity in nature. And I am strongly speaking for those who were born like that, not those who choose to change their orientation like women removing their natural eyebrows and eyelashes in the name of enhancing beauty (I wonder what the Bible say about that actually 🤔🤔🤔).

Lead me, Lord into your justice.



  1. Good morning sir
    I wish you and your family well.
    Has someone new stepped in to sponsor your exile? Just asking! How did the Bible and LGBT come in?
    I am NOT a Theologian but has read a number of books including acquiring some papers that indicate understanding of what I read or study. I have a number in varied courses and at different levels from diploma to post graduate and Bible studies at higher diploma level.
    Back to the issue.
    Being kind doesn’t mean no boundaries. Infact a loving parents will NOT allow their lovely child to run in the road that is full of traffic as a sign love. It is mostly people who want to end their lives that tend to do that and the Bible is clear why boundaries including sexual are there. A world or universe without boundaries will be chaotic and detrimental to humans and other creatures.
    In Leviticus 18:22 and 23, the Bible states that a man and man sexual relations are NOT acceptable just as it is for human being to have it with an animal. Similarly, but in stronger terms Genesis 19:4-6 points out that this behaviour was unacceptable and the consequences that followed up its practice are stated in verses 23 to 29(The cities of Soddom and Gomorrah were destroyed). Additionally, the book of Romans chapter 1, further sheds light on this from verses 21 to 32 describes these acts – among other things, as unnatural, having darkned minds and antagonist to the creator. It is therefore very clear that these verses, chapters and books plus many more not recited, that the Bible and God don’t approve thee practices. The designer or creator had made systems for illimination and reproduction sepwrate. God knew what He was doing and had a purpose for each system he made. Ba Tayali two(2) men or women can not reproduce and it ends there and it has nothing to do with love.
    Ba Tayali, are my views unloving?
    Once more, wishing you the best

  2. With such views, Tayali, this regime and their sponsors will be very happy that their methods are working. They might even though away those court cases you have.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  3. Mr. Tayali is as misguided as his current status and those paying for his stay outside the country and the country that has given him assylum.
    He is abusing his position. The government has been very clear in its position on the issue he wants to speak to. A common thread in countries who have strengthened that position by legislation.
    This current regime can not speak to the issue daily as it has been addressed and needs to focus on issues that relate to the wellbeing of the greater number of people in the population.
    A Mr. Mwanza took the point that I think Mr. Tayali raises. The inconsistency in the law and bill of rights as it related to the LGBT.
    The fact that the matter is being deliberated in court, judgement would make interesting reading. So I would what Mr. Tayali is waffling about today? Attention seeking? Havent we heard enough about his daughter, wife and how great he is living in assylum? Give us a break…..

  4. The State should have no role to play in what is strictly a matter between a person and his Creator FULL STOP. The role of the State is to execute justice between human beings, care for the widows and orphans and all who are mendicant poor or who by extreme of age cannot take care of themselves. This is what the State should be concerned about. We have gone a long way fighting against gender discrimination, but we are beginning to fall back again when a person declares a gender that does not fit into our 1.2 Litre box on top of our necks.

    • Bwana there are laws. If the country doesnt support the “unnatural” practice leave.
      Stop bring debates that suggest illegality.
      The same countries that have now legalised the “unnatural practices” tried and imprisoned their citizens a few decades ago.
      Stop going against the law. In Christainity you have the 10 commandmemts. That is the standard and law. Until god says otherswise. Lets live by that.

  5. Ba Tayali your reference to Jesus Christ concerning LGBTQ is disturbing. Jesus came for the sinner, the lame, the afflicted, the sick, the possessed….the list is endless but people from the LGBTQ community do not fall in any of those categories Jesus came for. Infact, referring to anyone LGBTQ as sick, lame, sinner, ..etc won’t settle well with you


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