President Edgar Lungu is said to be very upset with Bishop Joe Imakando after the Bread of Life Oversear General called for change in next week’s election.

During his last Sunday Service sermon titled “A month of starting a fresh,” Bishop Imakando appeared to be taking a scathing attack at the PF leadership while urging Zambians to use the August elections to change the direction of the nation.

Sources at State House have revealed that President Lungu is upset with the sermon and ordered Former Religious Affairs and Guidance Minister Godfriah Sumaili who is a Pastor at Bread of Life to express displeasure over the summon.

“The boss (President Lungu) believes the Bishop was politicking from the pulpit when he preached that message which he finds unacceptable. He has asked Rev. Sumaili who was present in Church to speak to Bishop Imakando before State House takes unspecified action,” the source said.

He added,” The President believes Bishop Imakando’s message was ill timed and meant to campaign for the opposition UPND. Rev. Sumaili was in Church including Matero PF candidate Miles Sampa and so it appears that preaching was targeted at the PF especially that those two officials were present.”

The source said State House will soon unleash a number of clergymen who will discredit Bishop Imakando’s message if he does not apology to President Lungu.

In a very unusual message, Bishop Imakando who runs the biggest Pentecostal church in Zambia by size said something is very wrong somewhere hence the need to change.

“I have interacted with people from all walks of life and I have heard them complain, there are complaining that they are no medicines in hospitals and clinics,” Bishop Imakando said in part.

“Some are complaining that their businesses have been affected because of the depreciation of the Kwacha, some are complaining that the cost of living has gone up. Some are complaining that their businesses have collapsed,” he said.

He continued, “Others are complaining about violence and others are complaining about the mountain of debt.”

“Something is wrong somewhere. There is need for change, we cannot go on like this. It is tome to change what is not working, it is time to change direction.”

And in his sermon notes released after the service, Bishop Imakando said the month of August is the eighth months of the year 2021, the year of the God Factor
Eight which is is linked to new beginnings.

“It’s a prophetic month that will usher in new beginnings, it’s amazing and strange that it’s started on a Sunday, and we are holding our elections in the same month. We are starting afresh in our spiritual life, relationships, job, marriage, ministry, business and every area of our lives,” he said.

“As a church and country, we are entering a season of starting afresh and we need to get ready. There is a shift that is coming, a shift that will bring a new season,” he declared.

He said the month of August provides an opportunity to start afresh adding that the month of August is a game changer.

“As a citizen, go and vote, your vote is your weapon. If you don’t vote, that maybe the very vote that will make a difference. It’s about the destiny of Zambia,” he said. – Lusaka Times


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