By-elections are nothing but a huge fraud by political fraudsters – M’membe


By-elections are nothing but a huge fraud by political fraudsters – M’membe

By Thomas Ngala (The Mast)

IT’S self-deception for President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND to celebrate and fool themselves that they have been winning by-elections, says Socialist Party leader Fred M’membe.

He alleges that the UPND has been purchasing and stealing elections.

“They have been dishing out huge amounts of money, mealie-meal, maize, fertilisers, and so on and so forth. This is spiced with violence, intimidation, and threats. Poor voters are threatened with removal from the social cash transfer lists if they don’t vote for them. Financially desperate voters are threatened with removal from CDF loans or grants lists if they don’t vote for them. They collect their voters’ cards and NRCs and assign UPND cadres to assist them vote,” he charged. “Mr Hichilema and the UPND are completely annihilating our electoral process. The credibility of our elections is gone. These by-elections are nothing but a huge fraud by political fraudsters. We participate in these fraudulent by-elections not necessarily to win them; they give us an opportunity to interact, communicate, and have discourse with our people. But what happens when elections are fraudulent and discredited in this way?”

He said the UPND seem to think and behave as if the only democratic procedure for people choosing their leaders were those fraudulent electoral processes, “so often prostituted to falsify the will and the interests of the people and so many times used to put into office the ineptest and shrewdest, rather than the most competent and the most honest”.

“As if after so many fraudulent elections, as if after so much false and treacherous politicking, as if after so much corruption the people could be made to believe that the only democratic procedure for a people to choose their leaders were these fraudulent electoral procedures. And as if any other procedure were not democratic – procedures through which a people choose their leaders not with a pencil but with the sacrifices of fellow compatriots,” he said. “When the electoral process is a fraud, people will think outside the box to express their will. They become more revolutionary in their thinking and approaches.”

Dr M’membe said realities do not arise in the world through someone’s whim.

He added that real revolutions do not arise by the will of one person or one group.

“Revolutions are realities that obey other realities. Revolutions are remedies – bitter remedies, yes. But at times revolution is the only remedy that can be applied to evils even more bitter,” wrote Dr M’membe on his Facebook wall.


  1. Afuledi Matako, after loosing all the bye elections you tried, you’ve now realised ati mulenyafye amasushi, nomba yaba fraudulent bye elections? Just wait, Kawamba has already been declared vacant, next it’s pambanshe, then nine more so tamulati, mulenya mulelapila!

  2. A leader who sees evil in others but can’t see faults in him. What can one expect from a person who hates imperialists but his daughters are married to whites.

  3. Meembe may not be your cup of tea you UPND cadres. He is right and on point. Just go back to our Zambia politics. MMD used to win by elections right, left and centre when in power, PF the same. But during the general elections the reality is opposite because people they will vote for the government in power as they do not want to be victimised or brutalised. This does not make the government popular at all or reflect the reality or litmus test. If in southern province an independent counsellor can win there is more discontent with the government because this is the province that has voted for UPND 98% since. The. Death of Mazoka.
    Currently by elections are not viable or even used for quantitative analysis margins of errors and inaccurate data based on vote buying or interference or intimidation. Why in a stronghold cadres beating election officials and stealing the ballot box in Southern province which has never happened or heard of even in other provinces . This is a major problem and concern for UPND because those who risked their lives for this party have left in dust hanging and recycled political garbage or prostitutes like Mulupi, Masebo are rewarded with ministerial positions that they do not deserve put add heavy burden to survive


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