Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people in the company of senior Bemba Chiefs Chikwanda and Luchembe Wednesday took a somber and emotional visit to Mukobeko Maximum Prison in Kabwe to see former Luapula Minister Nickson Chilangwa and his fellow convicted counterpart, Ronald Chitotela.

The visit, which had been preceded by several attempts to seek government approval, showed a powerful moment of solidarity for the two unfairly imprisoned leaders.

The traditional chiefs entered the prison gates with their faces down and in solemn silence.

Their hearts were heavy with both concern and prayer for their people, even in the face of their imprisonment.

At around 10:00 hours, the chiefs were escorted through the prison and led directly to the cells of Chilangwa and Chitotela, where they shared a cordial and  tightly monitored meeting.

According to sources prison authorities, police officers, and intelligence personnel kept a watchful eye, strictly controlling the timing and flow of the visit.

Chitimukulu addressed the two men with a message of faith and told them, “We have not stopped praying for you. We trust that, in His time, God will answer our prayers and deliver you from this.” These words carried the deep sadness of a father figure watching over his children in their darkest hour.

The atmosphere inside the prison was charged with raw emotion as Chilangwa and Chitotela, both visibly affected by their ordeal, shared their painful experiences with their chief.

The two former ministers spoke openly about the cruel conditions they had endured since their incarceration.

They described being subjected to physical and emotional abuse—humiliated, mocked, and stripped of their dignity by prison officers.

They lamented that despite their innocence, they had been treated as criminals.

Sources close to the meeting revealed that both men expressed their deep anguish over the brutality they faced daily. Chilangwa, his voice tinged with sorrow spoke of how he had continued to pray not only for his own freedom but also for those he believed were persecuting him.

“I am an innocent man suffering for no reason,” he confided to the Chitimukulu, his words filled with both grief and faith.

The Chitimukulu, visibly moved, shared in their pain, especially that the treatment of his “children” had been nothing short of unjust. The Chief seeing his people—men of honour and now subjected to such inhumane conditions was clearly unbearable for the revered chief.

As the visit drew to a close, the Bemba chiefs offered their support to Chilangwa and Chitotela.


  1. Well done our chiefs.

    The Bible encourages us to visit those that are incarcerated. They are still Zambians, and need comfort.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Chanoda’s influence! It appears other people are more important.How about those who stole a dove or Colgate from a supermarket?

  3. The fact is they Chitotela and Chilangwa were very rebellious. Watch the videos you will see how uncompromising they were.

    Fair judgement. No doubt.

  4. The writer seems to shower godly accolades to the convicts as if they did not commit any offence, he further spiritually sees prayer in the chiefs’ hearts by just looking at the chiefs faces. Now that is what I call cynical, because this writer should take a step back and look at the atrocities that these people did before making them godly saints, these same kind of writers are the ones that try to make JJ a saint when he urinated in one of their scribes mouth, imagine if it was your mouth used for the wrong purpose would you make that guy a saint. Let us call a spade a spade, while we may sympathize with them for of course the atrocities they did with Joy, let us avoid making them look Hollier than thou.

  5. Muleta, you may see this visit by paramount chief and other senior chiefs as nothing because you are UPND cadre enjoying the fruit of belonging to the party in power and you don’t see any wrongs that your small god HH and his minions are doing and have set examples that some of you like Mwiitwa, kawana, mark Simuwe, kabuswe, Nelly mitti, EcZ, DPP, Attorney General, Kabesha, Nkandu, sikazombe, Douglas Siakalima, minisre of home affairs, IG , officer in charge for / lusaka province, Imenda, some of the judges / magistrates will face once UNDP is out of office. Not forgetting the infamous Judicial complaint commission Commission.

  6. Musonda u need to respect someone opinion.this is a free platform of expression,so don’t call anyone an idiot.
    Maybe you are the biggest idiot here

  7. They are free to visit any prisoner as that is their prerogative. However criminals remain criminals even if a chief visits them and I hope they won’t influence HH to pardon them.

  8. This visit is suspicious and has tribal inclinations. Why visit the two only when we have so many people in prisons from the same areas these chiefs are coming from? Shall we now say all chiefs in Zambia should start visiting their tribal prisoners in all prisons in Zambia? Chiefs should not play politics. Law is law let the government of the day do it’s job and all well-meaning Zambians should support this government. There will be more chiefs in prisons visiting than prisoners.


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