Church Should Not Be Confrontational Towards Government- EFZ Chairperson Bishop Paul Mususu


The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) has issued advice to religious leaders, urging them to refrain from advocating for regime change, citing concerns over its divisive impact on society.

Bishop Paul Mususu, Chairperson of EFZ, emphasized that it is not within the purview of the church to advocate for a change of regime, as the decision lies with the Zambian people themselves. He stressed the importance of unity and cautioned against actions that could sow discord among citizens.

Speaking at the induction ceremony of Eddy Jibusha as Deputy Bishop of the Evangelical Church, Bishop Mususu underscored the pivotal role of the church in providing credible checks and balances to the government. He emphasized that rather than advocating for regime change, the church should focus on offering constructive solutions and guidance to the government.

Bishop Mususu reiterated that the responsibility of choosing leaders rests solely with the electorate and not with religious institutions. He urged religious leaders to uphold the principles of impartiality and to refrain from engaging in partisan politics that could undermine the unity of the nation.

The EFZ’s stance reflects a commitment to promoting peaceful coexistence and stability within Zambia, emphasizing the importance of respecting democratic processes and institutions in effecting change.The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) has issued advice to religious leaders, urging them to refrain from advocating for regime change, citing concerns over its divisive impact on society.

Bishop Paul Mususu, Chairperson of EFZ, emphasized that it is not within the purview of the church to advocate for a change of regime, as the decision lies with the Zambian people themselves. He stressed the importance of unity and cautioned against actions that could sow discord among citizens.

Speaking at the induction ceremony of Eddy Jibusha as Deputy Bishop of the Evangelical Church, Bishop Mususu underscored the pivotal role of the church in providing credible checks and balances to the government. He emphasized that rather than advocating for regime change, the church should focus on offering constructive solutions and guidance to the government.

Bishop Mususu reiterated that the responsibility of choosing leaders rests solely with the electorate and not with religious institutions. He urged religious leaders to uphold the principles of impartiality and to refrain from engaging in partisan politics that could undermine the unity of the nation.


  1. It is even not the role of the church to offer “checks and balances” on government. The role of the church is to preacher salvation, make disciples. If they do that well, we will have an up right society such that any other person put in leadership will most likely be up right

    • It is also the church’s role to ensure there is justice and where injustice rears its ugly head, they must speak out.

      Math 7:12 So, in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. For this sums up the law and the prophets.


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