THE Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) says Professor Nkandu Luo must apologise for her unconstitutional blatant discriminatory tribalistic remarks against the people of Southern Province at a campaign meeting last year.

CiSCA chairperson Judith Mulenga however congratulated President Edgar Lungu for replacing his soon to retire Vice-President with another female running mate.

“The congratulations notwithstanding, CiSCA demands that Prof Nkandu Luo must apologise for her 2020 unconstitutional, blatant discriminatory and tribalistic remarks against the people of Southern Province at a campaign meeting in Luapula Province. She needs to be accountable for her own thoughts, conscience and utterances as per our Constitution in Article 19 on freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and Article 20 on freedom of expression,” she said.

Mulenga said the honour that had been bestowed on her by President Lungu requires the highest level of responsible leadership, constantly checking oneself and exercising restraint and “when these qualities fail, promptly offering unreserved sincere apology to the injured persons”.

“It is not CiSCA’s intention to hold Prof Luo to a much higher standard than her male counterparts but it is recognition that her tribal remarks were such a gross violation of our Constitution that in a normal society such a record as a politician would have precluded her from ever holding such a high office that puts her a breath away from the Presidency of Zambia,” she said. “We recognise that her classmates in the school of tribalism; Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, Chanda Nyela, Bizwell Mutale and Christopher Yaluma may not in their lifetimes ever become president of our beloved One Zambia One nation, but Prof Nkandu Luo may and therefore as CiSCA we believe she needs to atone for her tribal divisive remarks before she even hits the campaign trail. Is she now banking on her and President Lungu’s win on the Bisa, Bemba and Luapula votes only?”

Mulenga said for a party whose mantra had become, ‘leaving no one behind’ Prof Luo needs to wipe her slate clean.

She said Prof Luo needs to emulate Chishimba Kambwili who upon realising his aspirations for national leadership made his first port of call to Southern Province to ask for forgiveness.

She said tribalism was unconstitutional and had no place in a democratic country.

Mulenga said tribalism was discrimination and its manifestation as a means for political mobilisation contravenes the national value and principle of non-discrimination as provided for in Article 8(d) of the Constitution.
“Article 43(d) places the responsibility on every citizen to foster national unity and live in harmony with others while Articles 60 (2) (b) (c) requires that political parties have a national character and promote national unity,” said Mulenga. “Further, Article 60 (3) (a) prohibits any political party from engaging in propaganda based on ethnic and tribal extraction. Therefore…Prof. Nkandu Luo’s public apology is now non-negotiable.”


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