Corrupt, tyrannical politicians cling onto power – M’membe



SOCIALIST Party president Fred M’membe says it is difficult for one who has soiled himself to stand up and leave while everyone is watching.

In a statement from his Garden Compound office yesterday, Dr M’membe said without standing up to leave and clean oneself, the mess would not disappear.

“And the humiliation won’t go away. It’s only by standing up to clean oneself that the humiliation disappears, goes away,” Dr M’membe, an economist and veteran journalist said.
“Similarly, politicians who have abused their public offices, who have stolen from their people and have been tyrannical have serious difficulties leaving power. They invariably seek to perpetuate themselves in power. They seek to change constitutions and give themselves more years in power. They are never ready to leave. They try to persuade and convince everyone that only them can govern well, without them there will be chaos in the nation – only them are God chosen to lead.”

Dr M’membe said corrupt and tyrannical politicians work against the nation’s best interests to hold onto power.

He noted that there were two sides to political leadership.

“On the positive side, great political leaders can make a big difference in the nation. They can inspire fellow citizens to share a vision and to work together to achieve great national things,” he said. “On the negative side, there are comforts that come with political leadership roles including higher salaries, respect, and other perks and even possible abuses. So, when someone attains a political leadership role, they are reluctant to give it up.”

He said behaviours of some politicians to hold on to a political leadership role once they have it can seriously undermine national interest and wellbeing.

Dr M’membe said when politicians have a political leadership strategy focused on keeping themselves in power in perpetuity, they limited the development of a new leadership to replace them to avoid being challenged.

“So, political leaders protected their position from the most threatening fellow citizens when they felt they could lose their position. In this case, leaders with a desire to cling onto power would isolate the most talented fellow party members or citizens from everyone else. Those not seeking to cling onto power would allow alternative leadership to develop,” he said. “Politicians who are prone to want to protect their power will engage in behaviours that promote their own interests over those of the nation in cases where their continued hold on power is in jeopardy.”

Dr M’membe said such tendencies were likely to influence even well intentioned political leaders, a tendency they need to overcome to ensure they act in the best interests of their people and country.


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