My focus today will be on the modus operandi of President Yoweri Museveni’s Principal Private Secretaries responsible for structuring appointments for the number one citizen.

If my memory serves me right, on capturing State power in 1986, fhe first PPS to Mzee was Lt ol Serwanga Lwanga who was later succeeded by Eng Kabanda. After Eng Kabanda came Hildah Musubile who was replaced by Amelia Anne Kyambadde who had all this while been Senior Private Secretary (secretarial duties).

When Amelia left for the U.K. to pursue further education, Joan Magezi acted as PPS before being replaced by Fox Odoi (in an acting capacity).

Upon her return from studies, Amelia resumed her position but shortly after began her civil service exit formalities in preparation for her candidature in Mawokota North which she won convincingly. I attended some of her mobilisation meetings in Mpigi as she rallied the women under the Twenzibe Women Association.

Amelia’s position as PPS was taken by one Grace Akello who was herself replaced by Molly Kamukama. Molly was moved to Finance as junior minister and the president appointed the current PPS Dr Kenneth Omona.

Out of all the office holders of the PPS position, l only dealt with Hilda Musubile, Fox Odoi, Joan Magezi and of course Amelia Kyambadde and can state with no fear of contradiction that Amelia Anne Kyambadde was by far the best in my opinion.

On 6th April, 2001, at his plush country home in Rwakitura, President Museveni directed that l be given facilitation for 20 cows. At the same occasion he directed one Dr Sam Byagagaire, who must have been holding the position of Agriculture assistant to Mzee, was directed to show me how to use a hand sprayer in controlling ticks considering that the number of cows l would get was small and therefore required no dip tank for the purpose.

Dr Byagagaire, referred me to one Mr Linchon who was based at Okello House who also did his part by taking me go places where there was zero grazing and crucially they used hand sprayers . Regrettably that was the time Amelia was on the verge of leaving for the UK.

You won’t believe that todate l have NOT been given that facilitation for the 20 cows yet the directive was given 21 years ago! I havd made multiple follow ups with Fox Odoi, Molly Kamukama and Ken Omona but none of these has materialized. As for the current PPS he even stopped picking my calls about mid last year.

Through this publication l believe President Museveni will learn about my plight and hopefully intervene so that l can access the promised facilitation believing that this will take into account how many cows l would have had by now.

Ben Phiri
Lusaka Zambia
Mobile No +260977824988


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