Greetings from inside Twin Palm police station cells!

There is a misconception amongst Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his UPND government that leadership and governance is all about praise singing, agreement and harmony. This is why some of us get into trouble for speaking the truth.

Mr Hichilema must realize that politics are about plurality and diversity. Even Christianity is not about united voicing Bible verses or speaking the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Division, not unity, is a significant theme in the Bible. For instance, Prophet Jeremiah, from the Old Testament, was persecuted for saying what God told him to speak to the people. Jeremiah was opposed for saying what people did not want to hear from God. It’s not just Jeremiah, many of the prophets of God in the Old Testament received reproach, ridicule, mocking, and even death for speaking up. Our Lord Jesus Christ was also persecuted for saying and doing what other religious leaders and people rejected.

As Christians, should we shut up or speak the truth about what is harmful to society? Should we let lies, gossip and manipulation to be more widespread than the truth? Jesus answered this when he warned his disciples that they should not fear persecution for speaking His words because they will prove true even if those offended by them reject them. Jesus and his words are meant for the good of others, even if they sting. Therefore, persecution, beatings, being placed in jail, or fed to lions will harm or kill your body, but it is God who saves your souls for heaven, not other people. We tend to fear others and things we cannot control, but God is to be feared above all else.

That said, it is important for Mr Hichilema and his league to understand that political happiness, national prosperity, growth and stability are directly connected to the nature and moral character of any nation’s leadership. In essence, every nation’s peace, justice, stability and good fortune entirely depends on the quality, category and spiritual outlook of the leadership they elect for themselves. If those elected into leadership are materialistic or nonspiritual, unmoved and cold-hearted then that nation is destined for disaster.

Let us also not forget that every leader is an echo of their spiritual life, belief and background. There is no person who reproduces what is not in the heart. And what is in the heart is a creation of one’s spiritual journey, belief and childhood. Therefore, human beings are a product of what lies deeper inside them, predominantly, the awareness, recognition or belief that there is a supernatural being (God) greater than myself. So, no matter how hard they try to disguise their narcissism, cruelty and wickedness; genuine and Godly leadership is not hard to discern, distinguish and respect. As the Bible says in Proverbs 29 v 2: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked man rules, the people mourn and lament.”

Clearly, the Bible instructs us that the one who rules matters! If that is the case, do the people ruling us today possess any noticeable traits of decency, justice or righteousness? Are citizens rejoicing or lamenting since their ascendency? It goes without saying that currently the nation craves for a God-fearing, truthful, kind, compassionate and virtuous leader. Of which, Mr Hichilema falls far short of these qualities.

May God help Zambia!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. I was shocked to read these words from M’membe; “It goes without saying that currently the nation craves for a God-fearing, truthful, kind, compassionate and virtuous leader. Of which, Mr Hichilema falls far short of these qualities.“ Sure, is M’membe a person who can be more God fearing than HH? It’s like he doesn’t even have a Church to go to. With the Kabimba revealed tag on his back, is he a God fearing, truthful, kind, compassionate and virtuous leader that Zambians can be craving for? I don’t think so. There is a very big contrast between HH and him, HH was being arrested fighting for issues affecting the lives of Zambians, no wonder they voted for him in numbers but M’membe is being arrested for propaganda and other seditious offenses. I can assure him that he is alone in this fight, he is not with people the way HH was. May be that is why he keeps on saying that HH lied, he did not lie at all, to the contrary, what HH was saying made more sense to the people than what he was saying and what he is saying now. HH never talked about Lungu the way he talks about him almost every hour, everyday, he was just talking about issues which mattered to the people, hence he inspired a lot of hope in them. And that is what M’membe is lacking. Even when he is arrested for his own offense, it’s HH who is arresting him, does HH arrest innocent people? Why can’t he emulate some of his fellow opposition leaders like Dr. Nevers Mumba, Judith Kabemba, Charles Chanda and Highvie Hamududu, they were at hand yesterday to receive the President at Kasama airport when he arrived there for Ukusefya pa Ng’wena and that’s how it should be. Politics should unite us instead of dividing us. There are some special occasions like Church, traditional ceremonies, football matches, Olympic Games etc when we should only identify ourselves as Zambians forgetting about our tribe, political affiliation or the region we come from. We should be found and seen mingling and interacting happily and freely as brothers and sisters. My last word of advise to him is that he needs to change his strategies and start doing things that matter to the people. For example, up to now we still don’t know who was gassing people, burning our markets, abducting people, the whereabouts of those in hiding and the people helping them to escape etc. If these were the things that he was being arrested for after revealing them, then we would agree with him and win our support. He should also talk more of his manifesto than HH and UPND, he should tell us what he will do better than HH when he becomes the president if at he will ever be. Right now his friends are busy looking for solutions to the numerous challenges attributed to the drought but he is busy with this cheap propaganda, whom does he think can support him with this?


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