PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has his reasons for appointing Professor Nkandu Luo as his running mate and people should not castigate him over his choice, says PF deputy national mobilisation chairman Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba.

Mwamba, who is commonly known as GBM, said President Lungu acted within his powers so his decision needed not to be questioned.

“Appointing a running mate is a prerogative of the president and that is enshrined in our Republican Constitution. So, what President Lungu has done is within his power. There is nothing sinister with what he has done,” Mwamba said. “He has found it fit to nominate Professor Nkandu Luo, hence him taking her on board. For him he thinks she is the right candidate in whichever way, so we should not question his authority because it was not illegal.”

He urged PF members to respect President Lungu’s decision and support the running mate.

“People should not castigate the President over his preferred choice. He has his reasons why he picked her. Even if he picked another candidate, other quarters of society would have still castigated him,” said Mwamba. “What he has done is the right thing and it is within his powers.”

The appointment of Prof Luo as President Lungu’s running mate has been received with mixed feelings within and outside the ruling party.


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