By Hon. Rev. Mrs Godfridah Sumaili
Non – Alignment policy is a landmark left to us by our forefathers to protect our sovereignty and maintain peace in our nation.
A wise man of the Bible by the name of Solomon in Proverbs 22:28 said , ” Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set.”
The same words are spoken by Moses in Deuteronomy 19:14,
” You shall not remove the landmark which the men of old have set in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that your Lord, your God is giving you to possess.”
Essau sold his BIRTHRIGHT to Jacob for a bowl of soup because of desperate hunger.
Zambia is our territory, Zambia is our land, Zambia is our inheritance.
Zambia’s sovereignty is to be valued, respected and protected. Zambia belongs to Zambians not to one individual. If we allow Vultures to take our inheritance and sale our land to Satan for a bowl of soup, posterity will surely judge us.
Dr Kenneth Kaunda ( MHSRIP) our first Republican President , working with other distinguished, patriotic and selfless sons of Africa chose non – alignment policy in dealing with foreign powers in order to protect the sovereignty of their nations and the God – endowed natural resources. Subsequent Presidents have not wavered on the non – alignment policy but have consistently upheld it.
Non – Alignment is a landmark that should not be removed as it has contributed to peace that Zambia has enjoyed since Independence and has afforded us an unlimited access to economic support from various countries.
This is a clarion call on the new dawn Government to reflect and rethink over matters of sovereignty and non- alignment.
Zambia and her people come first. We should not compromise our sovereignty and our hard earned peace. Please your Excellency HH, do not remove ancient landmarks established by our forefathers for a bowl of soup. No inch of Zambian soil should be allowed to be used as war launching pad by foreigners in any circumstance.
Zambia belongs to Zambians.
Rev Godfridah Sumaili