Don’t compare policy failure to the Egyptian Famine – Former President Lungu tells President Hichilema


Don’t compare policy failure to the Egyptian Famine – Former President Lungu tells President Hichilema

Lusaka, 27th June, 2024

Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has issued a stern critique of President Hakainde Hichilema’s handling of the current hunger crisis in Zambia, highlighting what he perceives as leadership inadequacies and a misinterpretation of biblical scriptures. In a compelling statement, President Lungu emphasizes the need for effective agricultural policies and strategic planning to combat the national famine threatening over six million Zambians.

President Lungu’s commentary was sparked by President Hichilema’s recent remarks likening the hunger disaster to the seven-year Egyptian famine described in Genesis 41: 46-57.

President Hichilema’s statement, which included the assertion that he is “not a magician who can end poverty with a magic word,” was met with criticism from the former president, who saw it as an acknowledgment of the administration’s failure to manage the crisis effectively.

Reflecting on his tenure, President Lungu highlighted the successful agricultural policies implemented during his administration. Drawing a parallel to the biblical story of Joseph, Lungu recalled how his government ensured food security through meticulous planning and robust policy execution.

“Like the story of Egypt’s ancient Prime Minister, Joseph, my government had sound policy direction, leadership, foresight, preparedness, and effective governance personnel,” President Lungu stated.

He noted that his administration had increased the maize reserves significantly, from 300,000 tons in 2018 to over 3 million tons by 2020, ensuring Zambia’s food security.

President Lungu attributed the current crisis to poor leadership and policy decisions by the Hichilema administration, particularly the export of maize reserves despite warnings of an impending drought.

“We are in this food crisis mainly because the current administration exported all our emergency food stocks, leaving no reserves for our people to feed on in times of drought,” Lungu asserted.

He says President Hichilema has prioritized commerce over human life and has called for practical solutions to the food crisis.

President Lungu also advised the current president to learn from the past administration’s strategies, which involved increasing the national budget for agriculture, making agricultural equipment importation tax-free, and ensuring timely distribution of seeds and fertilizers.

He has underscored the importance of collaboration with traditional leaders, farmers’ unions, and women cooperatives to achieve national food security.

As Zambia faces one of its most severe food crises in recent history, President Lungu’s message resonates with many citizens who recall the relative stability of basic commodity prices during his tenure. He urged Zambians to consider leadership that prioritizes food security and respects human life in future elections.

“Zambians must bring back leaders who do not only care for them but also respect human life and possess the experience to ensure food security and availability is a reality,” President Lungu concluded. He reaffirmed his commitment to offering a “tested, trusted, honest, united, and reliable leadership” through the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA).

The former president’s address has sparked a national conversation about the current administration’s agricultural policies and the urgent need for effective strategies to mitigate the hunger crisis.

As the nation looks ahead to the 2026 elections, President Lungu’s critique serves as a call to action for leaders to prioritize the well-being of all Zambians.


  1. Those are two parallels and anything of biblical proportions cannot be compared to what we experience today, I wonder why politicians always want to run to the Bible or God when they have problems, some of those comparisons are blasphemous to say the least and politicians should reflect each time they want to accuse God because of man made problems.

    • Samlindo is it a crime for a Politician to look back to The Creator when faced with a problem on Earth? Bwana both in good and bad times seek the face of The Creator all the time coz He holds the key for all human beings. In any case Politicians are not more sinful than you and me. I submit!


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