Copperbelt Province Minister Elisha Matambo


By Elisha Matambo

The PF must understand the patterns of history and recognize the hand of God at work in some individuals. The Patriotic Front vilified, demonized, abused, and ostracized President Hichilema during his days in the opposition. They attempted several assassinations but failed. Even after President Hichilema became the Head of State, the PF continued their tactics of insults and accusations, believing they would succeed this time. They have failed.

The late President of the Patriotic Front, Michael Sata, prophetically foretold that the party would not survive in his absence. He was aware of the types of characters within the PF. Selfish and violent individuals.

The ongoing wrangles in the PF stem from divisions that began during the Sata days, when Hakainde Hichilema was still in the opposition. They should not drag the President’s name into their petty disputes of fyama amandongo mandongo.

In fact, the feuding factions in the PF should be grateful for the peaceful environment President Hichilema has maintained since taking office. Without his leadership, they would have by now resorted to panga wielding violence, given their history and tendencies.

President Hichilema is focused on resolving the mess left behind by the previous administration. The confusion in the PF is a result of their continued focus on fighting HH instead of addressing their own issues.

They must learn from Exodus 23:27: “I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion all the people you are about to encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run from you.” This is a reminder of God’s power and protection over His people. The Patriotic Front can’t put a good man down.

Elisha Matambo

UPND Chairman,
Copperbelt Province


  1. I think reincarnation is real; we had the likes of William Banda in UNIP, early days of MMD had Willi Nsanda, PF has Bowman and the new Dawn has this one! Talking but zero grey matter. What wrong did we do to deserve this mwelesa?

    • @ George Zimba, these are the leaders we have! The other time, he was ” binding bees in Jesus’ name” in Luanshya.

      • Lol. I remember that. And this man annoys me whenever he is speaking. He is a real praise singer for HH, maybe because he is a nominated MP and feels like he can only be relevant if he is praise singing.

  2. Observer, Panda- you are both anti-Christ and you will feel the wrath of GOD very soon. Your days are numbered.


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