Don’t say bad things about your own country, Catholic priest tells opposition


Don’t say bad things about your own country, Catholic priest tells opposition

A CATHOLIC priest of Ndola Archdiocese has told off opposition leaders who are cooking up propaganda to make government and the country at large look bad to other countries.

In his homily yesterday, Fr Elias Muma told the opposition to refrain from issuing statements that paint the country black stating that no patriotic Zambian could paint their own country and government black.

Fr Muma stated that the opposition needs to learn that no government or anyone around the globe is perfect including the same people reporting the worst against the country.

“What is currently going on, teti umuntu nangufye uli politician ukulalanda ifibi pali country yobe, (even if you are a politician, don’t say bad things about your own country) Zambia  is a peaceful nation moving to greatness,” he said.

“Ukulachita behave kwati baice abakutila naya nkusosele kuli ba daddy pakuti bese bakume (you are behaving like children who say let me report you to dad so that he beats you). You can’t say bad things about your own country, you are not patriotic. If you say bad things to those you think are the ones who give us money, now if they fail to give us money who will suffer?”

Fr Muma stated that it is not good for outsiders to have a bad impression of the country.

The Catholic priest emphasised that Zambia was not a bad country for politicians to be parading it like one for their own selfish interests.

“Outsiders can get an impression that Zambia is a bad country and yet we are not a bad country unless those who are corrupt and have stolen, those are the problems. So ukulanda ifibi pali family yobe, pali wemwine napa chalo chobe takwaba (saying bad things about your own family, yourself and country should not exist,” he stated.

He further said those who are fond of talking down on the country do not deserve to be Zambians.

“Ninshi you are not fit to be here in Zambia. Go where you think it’s peaceful then. We are all not perfect, the government is not perfect, you are not perfect. Stop parading yourselves like children. We can only solve problems within ourselves not outside. No country is perfect even where you are reporting, they are also not perfect,” he added.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, January 25, 2025


  1. Indeed, Zambians need to know that the people Zambia is reported to, that Zambia is not well governed, repressive and intolerant will not reward you for those reports. To the contrary they will also take you into the capacity you make those reports. In the end you too looses, the dent you create about your country will be used for their own benefit. The big loser is yourself. The country moves on, but also assess you how patriotic you are to your country.

  2. Ba Father has just come back after 3 years from prayers alone in mount Kilimanjaro with no contact with outside world.

    Old maybe he has been meditating alone in his locked room for 3 years straight and asked not to be disturbed.

    Either way, welcome back ba Father.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  3. Our country is full of bitter politics because of the greed and hatred that’s embedded in us. The opposition is rotten to the core and they have no interest for the country except themselves. Their presentation is all about themselves. We need to change this narrative. Zambia can prosper so well under dictatorship than this nonsense of democracy. At the rate we’re going keep on dreaming, we’re a country that’s doomed. Zambia was by far a better country during the UNIP years than after 1991 honestly. We had discipline and a clear direction with service delivery at the top of the agenda. The so called opposition of today are just hungry chaps full of nothing but empty cymbals. They deserve no respect at all and by the way respect has to be earned. Kudos to the Bishop, we need more people like him to bring sanity in our beautiful country.

  4. Am a Catholic from birth…till death. I attend Mass at the sacred heart parish in Kitwe, immaculate conception in Luanshya, and the Cathedral in Ndola. I have obtained all the sacraments as per catholic faith, and I respect the virtues of the Catholic Church.
    But one thing I hate is a hypocrite…whether clad in the cloth of a priest or not. And I will be frank with you Fr Muma , you are the ones Jesus called the brood of Vipers …who have eyes but can’t see. Deliberately blind Priest. Hopeless Hypocrite. You have renounced the virtues of the church.
    Fred Mmembe is not a criminal, detained a ‘ myriad’ times …Is madam Edith Nawakwi corrupt and a criminal, dragged to police cells for this and that. What of Sean Tembo Corrupt and a criminal… Journalists, Even Gen Z kids? The Arch Bishop of Kabwe had his office desecrated by the police, all these is honey to you. The events at our lady parish in Ndola and Masala..or indeed events at Pope’s square. Are the congregants in these parishes criminals for them to even have their hand bags searched? Not even homilies are safe in Zambia any more. Priests are being told to withdraw their homilies.Does this look right to you?
    2023 and 2024 were spent arresting opposition political party leaders.. call it hate speech, Sedition, tribal wars, Illegal assembly , aggravated robbery and on and on!
    Where do you expect the victims of injustice and police brutality to go if our Courts have renounced their roles of being neutral arbiters? Who mediated in Hakainde’s Treason Trial after he had put the life of the 6th President in danger? Was it not the international community? It was right then , but it is wrong now? What kind of warped thinking is ? Don’t disgrace the Catholic Church Father Muma…If you are at peace with people who call our Bishops Lucifers , keep it to yourself, but please don’t abuse the holy platform you have been given to spread hypocrisy.

  5. Let the clergy stick to salvation message. They are in no position to be a moral judge as they as fallible as all of us if not worse.
    These statements polarise and lack consistence. Like a pendilum swing from one end to another.
    A few months ago they were making statements in support of PF. Now its the party in power. Why? Is that their calling? Stick to the message of salvation and stop teaching us to have faith in things of the world

    • So you want the opposition leaders to go scot-free even when they break the law just because they are opposition? So you don’t know that Mr. Fred Mmembe discharged a weapon in a public place which is against the law? So you don’t know Ms. Edith Nawakwi held hostage the Hatembos and it against the law? The problem is that you want the law to turn a blind eye to crimes committed by opppstion and claim oppression when the law is applied to them. If that is the case, don’t you know that law and order is part of democracy? And the fake treason case you referred to shows lack of analytical thinking of you think it was genuine. For starters, president HH then opposition was not the driver of the vehicle involved in the incident and how do you hold accountable a passenger for the actions of the driver?


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