Vice President Inonge Wina told parliament yesterday that the 2016 Voter Register will be used in the 2021 general election.
This is a 180 degree turnaround for the PF which has been colluding with the ECZ to throw away the voter register and create a new one in their favor, this is why there are multiple lawsuits against the ECZ because the ECZ has been acting illegally and in total disregard of the Electoral Process Act of 2016.
The law is very clear, the 2016 voters roll is valid, and the ECZ needs to remove dead people from the register by obtaining death records from district councils and traditional authorities, and add new voters during the voter registration process.
It is illegal and unconstitutional for the ECZ to try to create a new register.
The law is also very clear that voter registration should be a continuous process, so the 30 day registration period is also illegal and unconstitutional.
Now that the PF has backtracked, and voter registration is due to commence next week, the ECZ need to come out and also state categorically that they’ve also back tracked.
What this will also prove is that the ECZ is not an independent institution, it is run by the PF and they get their instructions from the PF.
Why then would the Vice President make this announcement in parliament when the ECZ is running adverts to the contrary?
What will Nshindano say and do now? -NDC