Edgar Lungu has arrived in Kitwe to attend the rally




Kitwe- Saturday, 22nd June 2024

Citizen First party is holding a public rally at Twiple Centre, Opposite Kwacha SDA, in Kitwe.

The Citizen First party has invited United Kwacha Alliance partners to grace the event.
Former President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu has arrived on Kitwe to attend the rally.

Golden Party President Jackson Silavwe and Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba are inspecting the grounds.


  1. True, Zambia i facing a leadership crisis. The rulling party has failed, and equally the opposition have no solutions, just finger pointing. We gave them time and they terribly failed, and they want to come back. Zambia is a land of jokers. Shame to the so called learned people in Zambia. They have given what is holy to dogs. They have been lied to that politics is a debt game. They are all cowards and job mentality..till pension. Education has really failed us in Zambia. We mostly have educated fools in the country. Zambia, a land of jokers.

  2. Kkkkkkkkkkk the message of doom kkkkkkkkkkk which they failed to do for seven good years given to them by Zambians and now they want to look smart as if they didn’t do bad things while in government, actually they caused more harm to our economy and social life of us people, a lot to talk about , about these snakes in the human fresh. Zambia will never trust them again as long as they are alive they will just continue making noise since they are empty tins with nothing to offer to our mother Zambia.

  3. We get more ideas when we leave power .
    We think we can score more goals when we
    Seating on as a substitute.
    Zambians are not short of leaders.

  4. Zambian politics is a Comedy of errors… kikikiki
    Amazing how poverty creates a mass of gullible citizens who get cheated by the same Wolves in Sheep Skins!
    Do you remember how humble someone used to look before they started threatening to fall on enemies like a tonne of bricks?
    Ask Fuledi how that was not an empty threat!
    How can the same people who installed faulty less efficient turbines guzzling more water to generate less power, turn around today and start pointing fingers during this catastrophic moment?
    The 2023 2024 drought is one of the most serious drought recorded in modern history. For the Zambezi river flows to be reduced to a quarter of the same period the previous years, that is catastrophic for a country that is nearly 90% Hydro power dependent!
    This is where a nation must come together, put aside political differences and work out a national strategic plan on not only power generation but many aspects of our livelihoods!
    We need to reset how we do things!
    It can’t be business as usual!
    As for this rally, it’s predictable what will be said. It’s HH this, HH that with no alternative solutions to Zambia’s many issues!
    Sadly, they are addressing descendants of those who used to vote for Frogs and Hyenas during the KK days!
    We’ll judge ba church elder fairly at the end of his first term. Judging them now will be gifting them good excuses for failing to deliver.
    If UPND fails to deliver, going back Kumalushi is a tragedy! Are there no better Zambians who can lead Zambia apart from HH and ECL?

  5. It is good that UKWA have been allowed to hold their rally under the guise of CF. Of course those who have nothing better to do will be at the rally. It is a good distraction for them on a Saturday.

    As for me, I donot see the point of attending a rally. I would rather read about it. I have far much better things to do like checking on my farm and running my small business.

    Allowing the opposition to hold their rallies will take the wind out of their sails. Next is SP. By 2025, the people and the opposition themselves wil get bored. I hope they behave.


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