…If Edgar Lungu was eligible to participate in the 2021 presidential elections, as ruled by the Court, he is eligible to stand in 2026…
Lusaka-Tuesday, 10th December 2024
Former President Edgar Lungu is filing a fresh petition to the Constitution Court to challenge its ruling delivered on 10th December 2024 that he is not eligible to participate in the 2026 general elections.
President Lungu has directed his lawyers, Makebi Zulu Advocates and Ellis & Company, to pursue the challenge as the Constitutional Court grossly misdirected itself.
He has stated that having expunged the prayer to declare the Legal Resources Foundation matter that has made the court to rule on matters that were no longer part of the record and proceedings.
Based on one above, President Lungu has been denied an opportunity to effectively be heard on the issue to declare the Constitutional Court earlier judgments to be overturned.
It is important to determine the fact that rendered him eligible to stand in 2021.
President Lungu holds the view that the Court did not state any special circumstances necessitating the departure from the courts position on the Legal Resources Foundation case.
He has also stated that the dissenting judgment in the Legal Resources Foundation which this court has effectively adopted was part of the decision of the court and raised no issue that can be said to have been held unresolved.
President Lungu has stated that there being no provision for the Constitutional Court to revisit its own decisions in the Constitution as is provided for in relation to the Supreme Court, the decision to revisit the decision remains unconstitutional as it provided that the Constitutional Court is bound by its own decisions.
He has stated that whereas the court justified his participation in the 12th August 2021 election to have been based on an error on the part of the court, the court did not pronounce itself on the legality of the said election.
The Court was expected to nullify such an election.
The Court overturned its earlier judgements, stating that they were wrong judgments of the court but failed to determine the eligibility of such an election.
We have expressed deep concerns regarding the independence and autonomy of the Judiciary and has shown by the events leading to this matter and its eventual judgment, the status of the Judiciaryrwmains our primary concerns.
Ii is simple. If he was eligible to have participated in the 2021 presidential elections, he would definitely be eligible to participate in the 2026 elections.
Issued by;
Hon. Raphael Nakacinda
If I were him, it could now be time to anoint a replacement and work with that replacement going forward, fighting to stand will only result in sorrow, those plan “B’s” should be done away with because they may only attract further litigation. Anywhere this is free advice., Nakachinda should look at Res judicata that is the reason the 2021 standing was accepted however that judgement was done pe curium and has been revisited for the future and not backwards.
We are losing so much time and energy on a loser.
There are more important things we should spend our time on.
Imagine, as if it’s Mandela involved kansi it’s some chap who can’t even talk properly.
Nakachinda is a very shallow man. The court explained itself why it revisited its own decision. Is this no the third time? Why didnt he raise this the second time?
As I said earlier law is a social science. It relies on certain priniciples and the court this morning outlined this, with extensive citations.
Lungu is well within his rights to relitigate the issue. But the 2021 standing to me is an aspect he won grounds. So what is he going back to court for? The court agreed with him that he had the right to stand in 2021. So Mr. Nakachinda ndimwe ba secretary ba chani if you can record facts correctly? Mr. Lungu is being emotional. Counsel should prevail. There is more to life than suggest that Zambia can not be led by anyone else other than you bwana.
If plan B has any chance, start by tell us the truth. The only lair here is you Mr. Lungu. You dont have a plan, your peers or the people you plan to Sponsor dont have a plan to address or finance the woes that they country suffers. You failed to come up with a plan for the debt restructuring so ba Chimbwi without a plan and the people frustrating boma from deliver mu za chita chani? Plan is to win elections steal some more and let awisi tasila off the hook.
This is the beauty of beaming live the judgement hearing. We heard and have a verbatim record so propagandists will have a hard time convincing us otherwise.
Ms. Thandiwe Ketis Ngoma, the floor is wide open for you to render your legal opinion and punch holes in the judgement without flouting the sub judice rule. We await your postings.
That is why they were opposed to the live streaming. The rug of misinformation has been pulled from under their feet. Half truths will not work this time
Let him continue wasting his time in court while the rest of us continue laughing at him.
You have cracked my ribs!!
The first mistake PF made was to rush and scramble for power after our great leader Micheal Sata (MHSRIEP) died. They should have left Guy Scot to finish that term and then let their choice take up from the end of that term. Nomba umungulu and no plan awe sure…they should have interrogated the situation then. Mr. Lungu would have been smiling by now.
That’s the problem of surrounding yourself with people who use their tummys to think.
Those of us who graduated from the Micheal Sata school of politics understand and are always smart not look like a clown in public. Political Clowning is not a good thing…look now.
Twende babili temwenso….
Pita’oko temubiyo wanshila
Watching from the terrace
Naipita mukwai
Great point Febian
Raphael has a big empty head full of binoculor mirage
The courts have pronounced themselves on the issue. When you are shown in twice it means just that. Some people need court ruling they won’t just stay back on their own.
That is why they were opposed to the live streaming. The rug of misinformation has been pulled from under their feet. Half truths will not work this time
What is here to moderate?
What is here to moderate?
JMC and CJ YOU guys have nailed it big times. Live streaming has provided for no misconceptions otherwise the masses would have been duped again misinformed to the core. I don’t understand Nakacinda, Lungu himself has accepted the verdict although with contempt citing a plan B. There is no plan B, President HH should now be ruthless with whomever thinks he is above the law. Concourt kwena yaba kanda 10-0. na live steaming…wow..!
Nakachinda is now showing how shallow he is, his brain cannot go beyond the binoculars, the problem with these stooges is that to them Lungu was their way, their truth and their life, they clearly know that the other person who will be anointed will have his own people and not them, hence the sorrowful eyes that they continue to exhibit, because to them, their politics ends with Lungu, and yes, I do not see any sane hair to Lungus throne having an interest in the many clowns that surround him today, hence their bitterness. This should spell the end of Everything attached to Lungu. Ba Uka Ukani, Ba Tonse baenda Bonse. this is a see sow.
Let’s move on
Atleast we can talk about ECL being involved in corruption and the the possibility of going to court to explain himself about the gifts, since he still wants to go to court.
Caution: It would be prudent for the Zambian people not to sit on their laurels, but to be vigilant in the face of any perceived Plan B, Lungu is contemplating to pursue. Lungu and his fellow psychos do not have Zambia at heart. Zambia is just kantemba and are capable burning down the country. This is not speculation, open your eyes and look in the rear mirror and see the financial carnage that they caused to the country. I would urge HH, going forward, to be firm and not wait too long, in the name of being methodical. Act now and clean up the mess, by allowing the law to take its course.